6: Butterflies

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Jason's POV:

I'm addicted, this girl is taking over my life.

Even Tony admitted that I have a problem and Tony never says anything that could potentially piss me off, so I know somethings up.

I've been doing my usual business all day, but any time I have a break, I'm stalking her. My favourite is watching her live, I got Tony to install surveillance in her house a while ago, and from every angle in her home.


'Yeah?' I say to Tony

'Jim is here for your 1 o'clock,'

'Ok, send him in,'

A short weaselly man takes a seat in front of me, I have the live footage of Sage playing on my desktop so I can watch while this guy drones on about menial shit.

'Nice to see you again Boss' he stumbles

'What are you here to tell me?' I demand

'Well the sales in contraband have been down by 8% in the last week and I'm looking at outreach mechanisms to blah blah blah...'

I look over to the screen and see Sage, at her desk, but for the first time, some boy has pulled up a chair next to her and is leaning in towards her. I see their mouths moving but I can't hear what is being said because of this stupid meeting.

'.... the reason for this drop in sales could be for the recent injection of blah blah..'

Then I see her smile.

Blushing and tucks her hair behind her ear.



'... blah blah economics, blah market shift-'

'GET THE FUK OUT!' I scream, he sits paralysed in shock.

'Ah- do you want-'

'Are you deaf? Maybe I should fi-' as soon as I say the 'fire' word, he quickly gathers his things and speeds out the door.

'I'm so sorry Sir for wasting your time, I will fix this problem immediately,' he utters before kissing my arse and disappearing out the door.

Now, back to this fu*ker.
I put the volume on and go back to the beginning of their encounter.

'Hey Sage,'

'Hey Josh! Um... How are you?'

'I'm good.. really good, what about you?'

'Oh yeah, just another day at school you know... so what are you doing this foundations class? Surely you have better things to do as the Star Quarterback...'

'Well I actually... um, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime... with me? I've seen you around and you seem like a pretty cool person.. not to mention beautiful....' He blabbers on,
'It's ok if you're busy, I can just go and we can forget I ever-'

'No!' She interjects, looking worried, 'I mean- yes. Ah- I'd love to hang out with you, is what I meant to say.' She looks at him and blushes again. 'I've seen you around too, and I've been wanting to talk to you too.' She practically whispers, all shy and embarrassed.
'But I mean, you're the captain of the football team, it seems like every second girl has a crush on you and I'm... well, I'm just me.'

'Just the girl that I've had a crush on for the last year,' he says to her, and then she smiles.

Really smiles.

I haven't seen her happy like that before.

'Well, maybe I can drive you home today, and you can ask your mum if it's ok if we get a milkshake after school tomorrow?' He asks, but Sage hesitates to reply, she's embarrassed by where she lives...

'Umm, well I'm actually going home with my friend after school today, but I can definitely do tomorrow... you're so sweet,' she blushes once again.

The bell rings, signalling class will start soon.
'Well, I'd better be off, Sage.' He says standing up, 'But I can't wait till tomorrow,' he brings her hand to his lips and kisses it. She turns an even deeper shade of pink.

'Neither can I.' She barely utters out in embarrassment, by now the whole class is their audience.

'Until then, I'll be waiting, and thinking about you,' he says

'Me too,' Sage says, more surely this time. Josh slowly walks out, then turns back to her.

'I'll dm you,' he says

'I'll be waiting,' she says, repeating what he said before, 'See you!'

'Bye!' He says, finding it hard to distance himself from her. When he finally gets out of the classroom, his friends are waiting for him.

'She said yes!' He says to them, they erupt into cheers and happiness, supporting their love-struck friend while heading off to their class...

That dick. That fucking dick just asked Sage out. MY Sage. That daft football knucklehead nothing! Is he the head of the deadliest gang in the world? Can he have people killed with the flick of a finger? Does he have the population shaking in fear at the thought of him? No. He's a fucking weak ass high school jock that is nothing, NOTHING, compared to me. And that speck of dirt had the audacity to ask MY Sage out on a little date...

And she said yes.

Someone's gonna get their ass beat,

and maybe killed.

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin