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hi bubsss!! so sorry i haven't posted in a week, school has been keeping me extremely busy but here's a long chapter as a sorry😁

i've also been getting a lot of new readers lately which is absolutely amazing, so hello new readers! thank you for coming, i hope you're enjoying the story so far. welcome to this slightly weird but very fun family<333

song - she knows (yall this a bop)

anywaysss enjoyy!;)

It's no surprise when Slytherin announces that theres going to be a "welcome back" party- like always. There was really no reason to celebrate coming back to school, though apparently to Slytherins it seemed there was.

Though this time I took the job of planning out my outfit instead of letting Pansy plan it out. I suppose past experiences are still unconsciously floating around my head.

"I'm guessing there will be more alcohol than this?" I ask Blaise and Theo as we help get the common room ready for the party.

"You guess correct," Theo smirks, setting a pile of plastic cups down next to the large amount of bottles filled with firewhiskey.

"Great," I exhale sarcastically, raising my eyebrows.

There wasn't a specific time the party was supposed to start, as apparently that was too 'formal' for Slytherins. I was honestly still questioning why having a time for something to start was seen as formal at all.

Once I make sure all the firewhiskey bottles are on the table I turn around, flattening the small wrinkles in my outfit before my eyes gaze upwards, immediately meeting with cold grey ones.

Draco sat leaned back in an armchair, his black suit still on. It was almost strange how many times I caught his eyes already looking at me when I looked at him, but I didn't mind it.

Just showed he was still admiring me from a far. It was a confidence booster, really.

Our eyes stay looking at one another for a few seconds before a loud yell for my name distracts me. I turn my head over to where the noise of Pansy calling me sounded from before I spot Blaise chuckling as he walks from the area.

I squint my eyes at the suspicious boy before quickly walking to mine and Pansy's dorm.

"Any reason Zabini has a mischievous smirk plastered onto his face?" I ask, opening the door and peeking my head inside. My eyes widen as I see Pansy's dress looking much bigger than it was before I left. "What the hell happened-" I begin, walking into the room and shutting the door quickly.

"To my dress?" She huffs angrily. "Well go ask my petty little boyfriend why he decided to make my dress bigger because 'nobody else is allowed to see my body'!" She stomps over to the mirror, holding tight onto the dress to keep it on her.

I press my lips together, trying my best to hide the small smile that was trying desperately to be shown.

She stares at me for a moment, squinting her eyes before rolling them. "You're both awful," She scoffs at my horrible try to hide my smile.

A small laugh leaves me before I walk up to her. "Hey at least he cares," I take my wand out, trying to think of something to fix the disastrous dress.

"Uh huh- a little too much," She leans on her hip, a hopeless look in her eyes.

I bite my bottom lip in concentration as I pace back and forth. "Do you have anything else to wear?"

"Well no- I left all my pretty dresses at home so they wouldn't get destroyed. My plan was just to go home and get them quickly whenever I needed them but I haven't got time to do that right now." She sighs, her foot tapping lightly on the floor.

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