I Don't Care - Tom Brady

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Clearly I'm gone and I'm going
Into the deep end
Far over my head
It's so unfair
I'm gone and it's showing
All over my skin
Everyone knows
Gone and it shows but
I Don't Care
-Elle Varner

"(Y/N)! What the hell do you think you're doing with a white boy?!"

You turn around to give a long hard stare at your father for uttering such words.

Your family, especially your father, is against dating anyone outside of your race for the fear of being "used."

But, like your siblings, you don't care.

"Dad, I think I'm in love with that "white boy." Do you have a problem?"

You knew very well he had one, but you're not going down without a fight.

Your dad walks closer to you, anger apparent in his dark eyes. "Haven't you learned anything from me and your mother?! Them boys are dangerous! How many times do I have to get it through your thick ass skull?!"

By this point, you had enough. Grabbing your purse, phone, and jacket, you head towards the front door.

"Oh no you don't!" Your dad grabs your arm harshly, forcing you to turn and look at him. "You're staying right here (Y/N)!"

You pull your arm away from him abruptly and open the door.

"Dad, I don't care what you think!!!"


"Was the fight that bad this time?"

You're snuggled up against Tom Brady, your boyfriend of three months. Sniffling a little, you nod.

"He only cares about himself and his damn reputation. What I would give to make him see-"

Tom cuts you off with a soft peck on the lips. "Hey, don't worry about it, ok princess? You have me remember?"

You pull your head away from his chest and smile at him. "You're right."

He pulls you in for a hug, and you take in his fragrant scent.

"I don't care Tom. I really don't care what he has to say."

"And why is that?"

"Because I love you too much to care about his words."


Sorry this was really crappy! I tried my best though lol...anyways, requests are always open! Ciao for now!

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