Our Little Alana ~ Brock Osweiler for Anna {missymaya22}

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A beautiful reflection of his grace

See I know that a gift so great

Is only one God could create

And I'm reminded everytime I see your face

~Lauryn Hill


I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the full length mirror. I smile a little at the short black sweetheart neckline dress that Brock's mother picked out just for me. It hugs my curves perfectly, and I just know that Brock will be happy when he sees this.

Arms wrap around my waist, and I look up to see the smiling face of my husband. He kisses me on my cheek as he runs his hands down my body, tracing over my curves. I shake my head as he leaves a trail of kisses down my neck.

"Brock, remember, we have reservations we have to get to."

"They can wait," he mumbles into the crook of my neck. I giggle as he bites my neck softly, beginning to leave a hickey. I gasp before pushing him away.

"Brock, I do NOT need to put more makeup on, and I don't plan to either," I snap at him. He looks at me taken aback.

"Why are you so salty all of a sudden?" He asks, clearly unhappy at my serious tone. I wrap him in my arms, resting my head on his chest.

"Sorry, baby. I'm just worried," I apologize while grabbing my clutch. Walking over to the bedroom door, I'm about to open it back up when Brock stands in front of it, crossing his arms over his chest. I sigh, looking down at the floor.

Brock gently cups my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Anna, what are you worried about?"

"I...I just don't want to leave Alana home without us."

"Anna, she'll be fine. She'll be with mom, and if mom can raise me, she can sure as hell raise Alana." Brock gives me a reassuring smile, and I can't help but return it. He picks me up bridal style, carrying me down the stairs. He puts me down at the bottom of the stairs, blushing when his mother shakes her head at us, smiling.

"What are you two crazy kids up to?" She says, chuckling at our red faces. I shrug, smiling a little. Mrs. Osweiler stands up with Alana fast asleep in her arms. I open my mouth, about to speak.

"Alana likes to drink a fresh bottle of formula before she settles down for the night. She-"

Brock claps a hand over my mouth, signaling for me to stop talking. "Calm down, she's in good hands," he whispers in my ear. To his mother, he says, "Just call us if you need anything."

Mrs. Osweiler nods, smiling at the two of us.

"Well, you two better get going. You don't want to keep anyone waiting," she says with a wink. Brock nods, opening the front door and jogging to the car. I start to follow him when Mrs. Osweiler pulls me back.

"You might want to cover up that bruise on your neck, darling! It looks really bad!" Mrs. Osweiler says. I blush and nod before speed walking out to the car, opening the passenger door.

"What happened?" Brock says as soon as I sit down. I dig in the glove compartment before finding my concealer.

I smack him in the back of the head with the bottle.

"What was that for?" He whines. I point to my neck.

"Your mom actually though I had hurt myself!" I say while trying not to laugh. Brock continues to rub the back of his head, mumbling incoherent words as he puts the car into drive.


I poke at my grilled chicken while Brock chows down on his filet mignon. He stops shoving his food down his mouth and studies my actions, cocking an eyebrow.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asks after he swallows his last bite. I shake my head, continuing my actions.

"Are you still worried?"

I nod, eyes leaving my plate. He sighs before putting down his fork. I look up at him, and he has his head in his hands.

"Brock, what's wrong?"

He shakes his head. "I just wanted to spend one night alone with you, Anna, but you're making it really hard!"

He slams his fist on the table. "Anna, can you just let go? I'm trying really hard to ignore the fact that you're worried for nothing!"

I stare him down, letting my fork fall to my plate. "I'm not worried for nothing! Alana is our daughter for God's sake, and she's in the hands of someone else! Why can't you get that through your brain, Brock?"

He takes his blazer off of the back of the chair, putting it on quickly. "Maybe because I trust the woman we left her with! You're basically saying you don't trust my mom!"

I watch as he walks out of the restaurant; he doesn't even look back. I blink away angry tears as I finally shove a forkful of grilled chicken into my mouth.


 I tip the cab driver as he drops me off at the house. Walking to the front door, I take a deep breath before turning the doorknob, walking inside. I smile a little bit as I witness Brock with out little Alana in his arms watching reruns of Super Bowl 50.

"Brock?" I whisper, and he turns his head towards me. My heart sinks as I see his bloodshot eyes, signaling that he had been crying. I kick my heels off before walking over to the two, sitting down next to Brock.

I caress Alana's cheek as she sleeps peacefully in her daddy's arms, placing a kiss on her forehead. Looking up, I see that Brock's eyes has followed my actions, and he meets my gaze teary-eyed.

"Anna, baby, I'm-"

I pull him into a tight hug, careful not to crush the little bundle of joy between our bodies. I rock him back and forth, nuzzling my face into his shoulder.

"I should be the one saying sorry to you. I totally overreacted, and I'm truly sorry. I've just, just never been away from Alana for more than 20 minutes, and it was killing me that I was away. I guess you could say, um, I'm too attached," I finish, blushing a little bit at the last comment. Brock smiles a little bit, kissing my temple.

"It's normal for a mother to be attached to her young one. Why, just look at them grizzly bears!" He says the last sentence in a country accent, causing me to giggle. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

We sit in silence; our eyes are focused on the game. 

"I like this, no, I LOVE this," he blurts out. I look at him quizzically.

"I love the feeling of having my own little family!" He exclaims, pulling me in for a lip lock. It begins to turn into a very heated makeout session when I pull away, gasping for air.

"Want to make our family a little bigger?"


Konnichiwa Anna {missymaya22}! I hope you enjoyed your imagine! Apologies for it being up super duper late, and I hope you don't mind your daughter's name being Alana!

Thanks so much for reading! :{)

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