Take It Easy ~ Tom Brady for Abigail {xbeckhamjr}

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Take it easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy
Come on baby, don't say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me
Oh we got it easy
We oughta take it easy
~The Eagles


"Jeez, football season is starting to pick up, isn't it?" Tom says as he sits down next to me on the love seat. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he leans in, snuggling against my body. I hum in response.

"Maybe I should just quit the business," he says bluntly. I turn to look at him, and he smiles at me.

"Just joking, Abigail," he says while playfully patting my back. I stick my tongue out at him, and he laughs, pulling me closer to him.


I come home from the supermarket to find Tom looking in a magazine.

"Thomas, what in Davy Jones' name (the pirate not the Monkee) are you doing?"

He jumps a little in his chair, startled from my sudden outburst. He immediately slides the magazine under the place mat and fully turns around, facing me. "Nothing, baby."

I place my hands on my hips. "That lie is as big as Asia"

He sighs. "Abigail, I was looking at retirement homes."

I burst into laughter. "Why retirement homes? Are you trying to buy a new house for your parents?"

He looks down, not a trace of amusement on his face. "Yeah, that's what I'm doing." He grabs the magazine from under the place mat and trudges up the stairs.

Confused, I head into the kitchen to find a light snack.


Tom escorts me through the restaurant doors. I smile up at him as he approaches the waiter. Soon enough, we're seated and two menus are placed in front of us. I scan over the menu, totally oblivious to the object Tom has taken out of his pocket and laid in front of me. He clears his throat, and I look up.

"So the guys pitched in and got me something."

I pick up the retirement card as the words flow out of his mouth. My jaw drops open.

Then, a laugh consumes me.

"Wooo! This one is the best yet! They can't really believe that you'd really retire right now!"


"Man, this is gold."


"I can't wait to tell this to my coworkers!"

"ABIGAIL!" His booming voice sounds throughout the restaurant, and a few patrons and waiters look at our table in curiosity and fear. I instantly shut my mouth.

"I want to retire! I'm 43 years old! I'm too old for the game! You were so oblivious to my multiple hints throughout the week!" He slams his fist on the table, knocking over his glass of red wine.

Tears spring to eyes, and I rush out of the restaurant.

I'm speed walking to the car in my heels when Tom scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder, taking me to the back of the restaurant. I scream and pound on his back, tears streaming down my face.

He sets me down, pushing me against the wall. Before I can say anything, he leans in and kisses me passionately.

Without even realizing it, I kiss him back.

We both pull away, panting.

"Abigail, I'm sorry; I didn't know how to tell you. You didn't catch onto my hints and I got frustrated." He runs a hand through his slicked back hair.

"I didn't know how to tell you because I know how devastated you would be by it. I'm sorry."

I pull him into a tight embrace, and he instantly wrapped his arms around me.

We stay that way for a couple moments.

Pulling away, I stand on my tippy toes to give Tom another peck on the lips.

"Whatever you wanna do, I support it."


I'm so sorry about the long ass wait Abigail {xbeckhamjr}! I feel really bad...I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you all so much for reading this imagine! Ciao for now!

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