Get Well Soon ~ JJ Watt for Sadie {SadieJames123}

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I've got to admit it's getting better

A little better all the time

I have to admit it's getting better

It's getting better since you've been mine

~ The Beatles


I'm woken up by a heavy groan from my boyfriend, JJ Watt. Rolling over, I see him struggling to sit up. I immediately sit up, helping him out of bed. He gives me a pained smile.

"Thanks, baby," he says hoarsely. I watch him walk slowly into the bathroom.

Something's obviously not right.

"JJ, I'm coming in," I say while turning the doorknob. I see him hunched over the sink; his toothbrush is hanging out of his mouth.

I rush over to him, helping him sit on the toilet. "JJ, what's wrong babe?"

He groans in response. I rub his back.

"It's my back and stomach. I'm in so much pain right now, Sadie," he says. I give him a sympathetic smile.

"Do you wanna stay home from practice today?" I ask him. I'm hoping he'll say yes.

But knowing JJ, you'd have to pray long and hard for something like that.

He struggles standing up on his own, but eventually, he gets up. "I'm not going to let something like this get in the way of practice!" He says proudly. He speeds up his pace a little, but not much, as he walks back into the bedroom, looking around for his practice bag.

I roll my eyes.

His doggedness is not good for his health.

However, I don't question anything as I walk downstairs to prepare some breakfast.

I've barely reached the bottom of the steps when I hear a loud yell.

I race back up the stairs to find JJ bent at the waist, hovering over his bag. He turns his head, and his eyes plead for help. I hold in my laughter as I retrieve the bag. I help him stand up straight.

"Maybe today I should drive you to practice," I say, soothingly rubbing his back. He pouts, and I poke his cheek before grabbing his hand.

Breakfast will just have to wait.


I'm washing the dishes when the doorbell rings. Wiping my hands on a towel, I walk to the door to find Jadeveon Clowney and Arian Foster holding up JJ. My eyes widen in shock as I make room for them to come inside.

They lay JJ down gently on the couch, and he writhes in pain. I instantly sit down next to him.

"What on earth happened to him?" I exclaim. Arian speaks up.

"He got hit pretty hard in practice and couldn't get up. Jadeveon and I carried him to the specialist, and it turns out JJ has kidney stones. Coach called practice off early, and we drove him back here."

I shake my head. "Babe, I told you your stubbornness would get you in trouble one of these days." I scold him." JJ turns his head, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. I kiss his temple. "What am I going to do with you JJ?" I turn to Jadeveon and Arian.

"Thanks for bringing him home, guys. I really appreciate it. Do you want anything?" I ask them before they leave. They both exchange a smile.

"Well, Arian and I were wondering if you could make us your world-famous double chunky chocolate chip cookies?" Jadeveon asks. I give them both a smile.

"They're on the counter."

They both run into the kitchen.


"Sadie! I need you!"

I groan in annoyance before running up the stairs. There lies JJ, watching Rocko's Modern Life while sipping iced tea. He gestures to a bowl that was previously filled to the brim with Cheez-Its.

"Can I have more please?" He asks me, blinking innocently. I narrow my eyes.

"JJ, stand up."


"Don't play dumb with me. I saw you walking to the bathroom with no trouble at all just a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, but the pain has returned. I'm serious."

I jump on him. He yelps in shock, but then groans deeply.

I guess he really is in pain. I instantly hop off of him, grabbing the bowl off of the nightstand. I plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Sorry, baby. Cheez-Its coming right up."


Hey Sadie {SadieJames123}! I'm really happy that you like my work, and I hope this exceeded your expectations! I hope you like this imagine!

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you all soon! Ciao for now!


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