Let It Be ~ Danny Amendola for Summer {summergilinskyx}

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Put my feet right on the margin

And I just might hit the bottom

Throw my hands out on the breeze

And let it be  



I pace around the living room, nervously awaiting the arrival of my husband of 5 years, Danny Amendola. I jump up when I hear the doorknob wiggle a little. Diving onto the couch, I make myself look as normal as possible when Danny finally gets the door open. I look up at him, smiling. He walks over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey baby," he greets. I get up from the couch, grabbing his hand and leading him into the dining room. I usher for him to sit down, setting a plate of steak and mashed potatoes in front of him. He looks up at me, wide eyed. 

"Summer, you didn't have to do all-"

"But I wanted to!" I blurt out. He cocks an eyebrow, but he doesn't inquire anything about it, focusing on his steak. He pops a piece in his mouth, moaning in pleasure.

"This tastes so good, Summer," he says through a mouthful of steak. A few pieces fly out of his mouth and land on his plate, and I hold in my giggles. 

He finishes his entire plate in 20 twenty minutes, looking at me expectantly. I finally meet his gaze when he clears his throat. Standing up, he walks over to where I'm seated, kneeling down in front of me.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" He asks quietly. I shake my head, adverting my gaze. He lifts my chin up with his forefinger and thumb; his chocolate brown eyes stare deep into mine. 

"Summer, will you please tell me what's wrong? I don't like seeing you like this."

"Danny, it's not that simple."

"Tell me what it is; I'll try to fix it." Tears spring into my eyes as I stare at his kneeling figure, wondering how in the world I got so lucky.

"I-I'm pregnant!" I blurt out. 

Danny's calm gaze turns into one of vexation, and he stands up, brushing off his pants. "What do you mean you're pregnant?!" He snaps. I look at him in disbelief, blinking my eyes continuously. 

"I mean that I'm pregnant! You're going to be a dad! Aren't you happy?" I reply quietly, standing up as well. 

"We haven't even had sex in like 3 months or so! That is not my baby!" retorts Danny.

"Yes it is! I haven't done anything with anyone else!" I plead. I try to grab Danny's arm, but he shoves it away, causing me to stumble back and land on my behind. 

"Danny, please listen to me!"

He stops right at the front door, and his hand is still placed on the doorknob. Turning around, he shoots me the most hateful look I have ever experienced in my life.

"Don't ever come near me again, you whore!" He hisses. Opening the door, he walks out, slamming the door behind him. 

No. No. No. 

I can't lose him.

"Danny wait!" I call, swinging the door open. I catch him about to get in his car. Running down the steps, I hold onto the car door, preventing him from closing it. 

"Summer, let go." He says lowly. I shake my head vigorously, tears streaming down my face. 

'I'm not going to tell you again! Let go, Summer!" He snaps, pulling on the door hard. I lose my grip, causing the door to slam shut with him inside the car. Before I can get a good grip on the handle, he has locked the doors. 

I bang on the windows with all my might.

"Danny, please! I haven't done anything wrong!" I shout. My fists pound against the driver's side window time after time, causing loud thuds to sound from it.

He honks the horn loudly, and at that point, I step away from the car, looking down at the paved driveway. I advert my gaze to a puny rock on the ground as Danny pulls out, speeding down the road.

I walk sluggishly back to the house, dragging my feet as I walk inside. 

Curling up on the couch, I stare into the darkness, eventually falling into a deep slumber.


I heave the heavy grocery bags as I walk down the sidewalk to go back home. My stomach is protruding much more; I'm now 5 months pregnant. The walk from the grocery store to my house is 3 blocks, and Danny took the only form of transportation I had.


I haven't seen him in 2 months, but goodness have I heard about him.

My mind drifts off to ESPN late at night, watching all of his interviews while scowling a little physically, but mentally, I yearn for his touch, his kisses.

Just him.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts when I feel a droplet of rain hit my exposed back. Looking up at the sky, I frown. The once baby blue sky has now turned into a mass of dark, fat gray clouds. 

I start to speed walk as fast as I can; of course, this isn't doing me any justice. Eventually, I find a where I can stay and wait until the rain passes. 

The bell above the door jingles as I walk in, and I find a table close to the window, setting my grocery bags on the table. Scanning around the restaurant, my eyes focus on one figure sitting at the back of the shop, sipping his coffee quietly.

As if it were our destiny, he turns around the moment my eyes settle on him, and his mouth opens wide. 

I look down at the table, shielding the side of my face with my hand. I hear footsteps approaching my table, and a deep voice clears their throat. I look up blushing, instantly knowing who it is. 

"Uhh, hi, Danny," I greet. He nods, smiling a little. He gestures to the chair, and I remove my bags from the table, setting them down on the ground. 

We both sit in awkward silence, staring out the window. The rain continues to pound down on the city of Boston, and I sigh, swinging my legs back and forth.

"What's wrong?" Danny asks. "I-I just need to get home. I haven't taken my medicine for today."I reply. He nods, looking down at the table. 

"Summer, I'm really sorry." He says. I look at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I should've believed you when you said that you're carrying our baby. But I was too stupid and too scared," he admits.

I almost slap myself across the face. 

"Danny, what do you mean you were scared?"

He adverts his gaze from mine. "I was scared that you found someone better than me. I was scared that you would like that guy more than me. Heck, I was scared you'd leave me for that person," he replies, running a hand through his hair.

"Danny, I-"

"I'm scared that I won't be a good enough father to our child." He finishes. I grab his hands from across the table, rubbing the pad of my thumb along the back of it.

"Danny, I'm scared as hell too. I'm the one carrying our child. I've always had those thoughts where I think I'll mess up the birth or something stupid like that, but Danny, you and I are going to get through this together. I promise." He nods, giving me a warm smile. After a while, his smile falters, and I look at him confused. 

"Does this mean you'll take me back?" He asks quietly. I nod, leaning over the table to kiss him on the cheek, careful not to bang my stomach on it.

"Babe, I'm going to make it up to you, and that's a promise," he says, winking. I blush as I look down at the table.

"Shut your face, Daniel."


Hi Summer {summergilinskyx}! I hope you liked your imagine! I'm sorry it took a very long time to get this up, but I'm super backed up with requests and such.

Thanks for reading!

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