Ordinary People ~ Luke Kuechly for Sarah {JJWattLover99}

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I know I misbehaved

And you made your mistakes

And we both still got room to grow

And though love sometimes hurts

I still put you first

~ John Legend


I flinch as another glass shatters onto the floor. Luke steps closer to me; his face is a deep red.

"Are you seriously doing this to me again? All of these years that I've put into this relationship? It just puts the icing on the cake to find out that you're cheating on me!" Luke snaps angrily, taking another step closer to me.

"Luke, it was just a kiss on the cheek!" I argue, placing my hands on my hips. "Calm yourself! Jesus, why do you get so jealous all of the time?!
It's like you don't trust me!"

Luke runs a hand through his curls, sighing deeply. "Sarah-"

I put my hand up, shaking my head. "If you think I'm a cheater, then so be it. If one of my best friends can't place an innocent kiss on my cheek without you overreacting, then I really don't know anymore."

Luke walks into the living room, sitting down on one of the plush couches. "If you knew how I would react, then why did you do it?"

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I stand there dumbfounded; no words come to my mind.

"See? You have absolutely nothing to say. You always like to piss me off!" Luke exclaims. He begins to walk upstairs, but I quickly grab his large bicep, pulling him back towards me.

"Luke, listen to me-"

He angrily jerks his arm out of my grasp, causing me to stumble backwards a few steps. "No Sarah! I don't want to here it! You and Alex can go be lovey dovey at his place because I sure as hell don't want to see you for the rest of the night."

I blink in disbelief as Luke points to the mahogany door, signaling me to leave.

"You have got to be shitting me right now."

Luke rolls his eyes. "I'll grab you a bag from upstairs. Go get packed up, cupcake."

"You know what?" I start, jabbing a finger into his chest. "Fuck you Luke Kuechly! You are so damn dramatic about everything!"

"Right back at ya!"

I stomp upstairs, throwing some clothes into a duffle bag. I hoist it onto my shoulder, making my way back downstairs and out the door.

Luke doesn't say a word as I slam the front door shut. Walking to my car, I start the engine, pulling out of the driveway as soon as I can.

I try not to imagine Luke's figure looking out the window as I drive down the busy road.


It's been three days since I've seen Luke.

Luckily, Alex has let me stay over at his house.

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