Crush ~ Rob Gronkowski for Kayla {teampenskejlbk}

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Am I crazy or falling in love?

Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?

Are you holding back like the way you do?

~ David Archuleta


I wait outside the Patriots' locker room, looking for my best friend, Julian Edelman. I see his little squirrel-like self walk out, and I race towards him, not really looking where I'm going. 

Before I know it, I run smack dab into a large figure.

"Oh, Jesus, Kayla I'm so sorry," a familiar voice says. I look up, meeting the puppy dog brown eyes of the one and only Robert Gronkowski. A blush rises to my cheeks as I grab his extended hand. He pulls me up in one swift motion, causing me to stand about an inch away from his face.

We both stare into each other's eyes before backing away awkwardly, clearing our throats. He scratches the back of his head while I look at the ground, shifting my weight from one foot to another.

"Kayla! There you are!" 

I turn around just as Julian engulfs me in a tight hug. I laugh a little when he doesn't let me go. 

"Jules, I can't breathe," I huff out. He lets, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. 

"Sorry Kayla. I haven't seen you in-"

 I quickly glance at my non existent watch. "Less than a week?" I smirk, causing Rob to giggle a little. I look at him, causing him to blush a little bit. Giving him a small smile, I turn my attention back to Julian. 

"Where's my jersey?"

I look down at my torso, mentally facepalming at the fact that I left Julian's practice jersey at home. I shoot him a look of contrition. 

"Sorry Jules. I must have forgotten about wearing it today. I swear I'll-"

"You can wear mine!" Rob blurts out. Julian raises an eyebrow as I stare at him, wide eyed.

"Are you sure? She might pull another Kayla and forget it in the stands," Julian laughs as I sock him in the arm. Before I know it, Gronk has pulled his practice jersey over his head, handing it to me in his half naked glory. I scrunch my nose a little at the thought of wearing an unwashed jersey.

Rob studies my actions, laughing. "I promise I put it on less than five minutes ago. I couldn't come out here half naked." I shake my head, smiling a little bit and trying not to melt at the sight of his six pack. 

"Well, you don't seem to have a problem doing that right now," I reply sassily. 

Rob goes wide eyed, and his face turns a deep crimson. "Well, I was, uh, I was going, uh-"

Julian walks over to Rob's side, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Robert, we all get embarrassed in front of pretty girls." He sends me a wink, and I hold in my giggles as I take in Rob's face. 

He looks like he's going to vomit. 

"Well, Kayla, we'll see you later. Rob and I have to go warmup. Ciao for now!" Julian says in a sassy manner. I wave as Julian steers Rob back inside the locker.

I shake my head, pulling Rob's jersey over my head. It's way too big for my figure, but I'll still flaunt it.

Walking away from the doors, I make my way out to the entryway, ready to get this game started.


I nervously chew on my nails as the clock ticks down. It's 1st and 10, and we're down by a touchdown. 

Tom puts the play into action, and I watch in excitement as he throws a perfect spiral towards Rob. He catches it, and defensive players start to try and stop him, piling on him a little and grabbing at his jersey. 

The crowd goes wild as Rob plows through defense and falls into end zone. I jump out of my seat, cheering loudly. 

Rob jogs back to the sidelines, sending me a wink. I blush, adverting my gaze to Stephen.

Stephen makes the kick, and just like that, the Patriots have won another game. Rob walks over to where I'm sitting, signaling for me to jump. I look at him in disbelief, but eventually, I jump down safely into Rob's arms. He holds me bridal style, gazing into my eyes. 

Before I know it, he leans in, catching me and my lips off guard. 

He pulls away before I can deepen the kiss. "Thanks for being my good luck charm today, Kayla."

I stare into his chocolate brown eyes. 

"Thanks for catching me."


Hello Kayla {teampenskejlbk}! Sorry this took ages to put up! I hope you liked it nonetheless!

Thanks for reading!

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