Baby, Please Don't Go ~ Philip Rivers for Mia {TobiasTrisDivergent}

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Baby, please don't go

If I wake up tomorrow will you still be here?

I don't know if you feel the way I do

If you leave I'm gonna find you

~ Mike Posner


"Run Danny run!"

I watch as Danny Woodhead sprints down pass the 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, and finally into the end zone, winning the game for the Bolts with a score of 20-13.

I stand up, cheering my socks off with the rest of the Chargers' fans. The team hoists Danny up on their shoulders, parading him around the field.

Scanning the sidelines, I meet eyes with my boyfriend, Philip Rivers. He sends me a goofy grin, and I laugh at his silliness. He jogs over to the stands, and I lean over the railing, linking my fingers with his.

"You played amazing, baby," I shout over all the noise. He gives me a bright smile.

"Mia, jump."

I look at him in disbelief.


"I said to jump." He gives me a reassuring smile, and before I know it, I've jumped over the railing, only to be caught in the loving arms of Philip.

He holds me bridal style, staring into my eyes. I blush as the rest of the team wolf whistle and holler, hiding my face in his neck. He chuckles.

"Come on, babe. We've got some stuff to do," he says with a suggestive wink. I stick my tongue out at him as he carries me off of the field and into the locker room.



I turn around at the sound of the voice.

Danny Woodhead stands behind me, arms spread out wide. I take off at full speed. He wraps his arms around me, swinging me around.

"Where the hell were you? I've asked about everyone here if they'd seen you," he says when we break the hug. He ruffles my hair, and I let out an annoyed sigh, causing him to laugh in amusement.

He wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Where's your lover boy?"

I shrug my shoulders. "No idea. He's supposed to be taking me out for lunch."

Danny glances at the clock positioned on the wall. "Well, it's about 3:30. What do you say you and me go grab a bite?"

I smile, nodding. He links his arm with mine, leading me to the parking lot.

When we finally reach his car, he turns me around, looking at me quizzically. "Mia, I need to tell you something important."

I look at him, gulping. A blush rises to my cheeks.

What the hell is Danny about to say?

"S-sure," I reply, stuttering.

"I need..."

I nod, egging him on.


"Me?" I say impatiently.

"To tell me where you want to go eat."

I slap him the chest, and he fakes a hurt expression, backing away from me.

"That really hurt," he whines. I giggle.

"That's what you get for leading me on."


Danny and I return to Qualcomm after a 45 minute lunch break. Outside near the doors, I spot Philip looking around nervously. Danny pulls up next to him near the curb, and Philip meets my eyes.

Philip sighs in relief as he walks over to the passenger side and opens my door. He helps me out gently.

Immediately after, he pulls me into a hug.

"I was so worried, baby. I didn't know what had happened until ol' Danny boy here called me while you two were at the restaurant." He places a kiss to my temple.

Danny gives me a side hug, kissing my cheek. He then bro hugs Philip.

"Well, guys, I gotta go. I promised momma I'd be home to help her with dinner tonight," he says while getting back in his car. As he starts to pull out of the parking lot, he sends us a wave. 

We gladly return the favor.

I turn to face Philip, and I frown at his features. He looks stressed out, but manages a smile when I place a hand on his shoulder. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" I whisper. Philip snaps out of his trance, fixating his eyes on me. 

"Mia, nothing's wrong," he replies, hinting that he's lying. I narrow my eyes at him, placing my hands on my hips. I shift my weight to my right leg, and Philip sighs, knowing that I'm not going down without a fight. 

"Philip, I'll ask you this one more time: what in the world is wrong with you?"

He looks down. 

Then, he cups my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. 

"Mia, you're not going to like this at all, but I have to leave San Diego for a while."

That hits me like a brick as tears prick at my eyes. 

Philip gives me a reassuring smile, wiping the stray tears from my cheeks. "I'll be back soon, baby. I promise." Tears continue to stream down my cheeks relentlessly, and before I know it, Philip has pulled me into a bear hug. 

He rocks me back and forth, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

"Mia, sweetheart, I'll miss you, too. I don't want to leave you alone here with all these bad people running around. But guess what?" He sends me another smile. 

"W-what?" I stutter. 

His warm lips meet mine, and our lips move in sync together. 

When we finally pull away, we're in pure bliss.  

Unfortunately, we're brought back to reality when a car honks its horn on the nearby street. Philip and I exchange glances, and soon enough, we burst out laughing.

Philip looks at me, smiling. I blush immediately. 


"I'll definitely miss that laugh of yours. And of course that smile." He pecks me on the lips, grabbing my hand. He leads me to his car.

As I'm turned around, he places both of his hands on either side of my body. I lurch around, startled. 

"When I get back, we can have some fun," he says with a suggestive wink. I slap him in the arm, walking to the passenger's side. 

Before I get in, I turn back around, staring him down. He gives me a look, raising his eyebrow. 

"YAH NASTAY!" I shout before getting inside the car. I can't contain my giggles when Philip appears beside me. 

"Shout any louder, and people all the way in Japan will be able to hear you."

I wiggle a finger in his face. "No time for sass, Philip Michael Rivers. Now get your keister in gear and drive this damn car," I reply. Philip sighs, but I can see a hint of a smile on his face. 

"I don't have any clue how in the world I've put up with you this long," he remarks as he puts the car into drive. 

"Hey! That's not nice."

He sends me another wink. 

"And I like being that way, especially in bed."


Heyyo Mia {TobiasTrisDivergent}! I hope you enjoyed reading your imagine! As you can see, my innocent mind has been corrupted by the likes of Tumblr {curses ;)} and so that's why near the end there's quite the suggestions! 

Thanks so much for reading! :)

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