Heart Attack ~ Carson Palmer for Cami {Camm_Wow}

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Now I'm hearing around 

That you been running around

I'd didn't think I'd miss you

Now I'm feeling like a fool

~Enrique Iglesias


"Carson Palmer to Larry Fitzgerald for an 87 yard touchdown!" 

I jump up from my seat on the couch, cheering loudly. My Palmer jersey rides up a little, exposing a little of my stomach. The popcorn bowl that was previously resting on my lap is now on the floor, its content sprawling all over the hardwood.

The game ends, and the Cardinals won 25-24. 

My eyes instantly focus on the smiling face of my boyfriend, Carson Palmer. The interviewer asks him a few questions.

One question sticks out the most to me, however.

"What are driving forces that keep you doing what you do best?" The interviewer asks, batting her eyelashes at him. He gives her a smile, and I look away for a split second. 

"I think the forces that keep me at it are my wonderful family and all of the fans! I have no idea what I'd do without them!" He says. He smiles at the camera.

He smiles a smile that I know too well.

I almost want to punch his smug face in. 

Where do I fall in in those categories?

I shut the TV off, throwing the remote on the coffee table. Sitting down on the couch, I think about the words that came out of his mouth. 

Curling myself into fetal position, I fall asleep on the couch.


I wake up with a start when I hear the doorknob wiggling. Yawning, I reach for my phone on the side table. I frown at the time.

4:44 AM. 

I sit up and watch Carson walk in. He pays no attention to me as he walks right past the couch, making his way into the kitchen. I stare at him as he takes a beer from the fridge, popping the cap open. 

He gulps the bottle down in 2 swigs. I stand up, running my hands through my hair frustration. Proceeding to the kitchen, I place a hand on his back, rubbing up and down slowly. He jumps in surprise, automatically turning around, ready to swing. His face softens as he sees me. He tries to hug me, but I push him away, taking a step back away from him. 

"Cami, baby, what's wrong?" He asks, thoroughly concerned. A smirk plays on my lips, and I look down, letting my hair fall into my face.

He lifts my chin up with one of his hands. "Cami, did I do something wrong?" He asks softly. I laugh bitterly, then slap his hand away.

"Carson, it's days like this when I begin to wonder whether or not you really love me," I hiss. He looks at me, wide eyed.

This guy finally caught on to the fact that I'm hella pissed at him?

He looks at me in disbelief. "Of course I do! Why on Earth would you think that?" Another bitter laugh escapes my lips. 

"Let me ask you this then: where do I fall in for your line of supporters? Do I count as family, or fans?" I snap, crossing my arms over my chest. He looks at me again, and his face turns a dark shade of red. 

"Uhhh, well, baby girl-"

This time I throw my head back in laughter. He watches me as I cackle crazily like a witch. I give him a fake smile. I place a hand on his back, signaling for him to come closer to me. He shakes a little as he takes one step closer to me.

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