Love Me ~ Jason Witten for Laura {blackhawkgirl88}

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And love me

If that's what

You wanna do

~ The 1975 


I tie up my uniform top while walking towards the stadium. When I'm finally done, I bump into what seems like a brick wall. Falling straight onto my but, I look up, ready to tackle whoever it was.

It's Jason Witten.

My face heats up as I return my gaze to the floor. Jason clears his throat, offering a hand to help me up. Nervously, I wrap my hand in his, and he pulls me up in one swift motion.

"Thanks," I say quietly. I'm turning around to walk away when Jason stops me.

"Hey, wait a minute." He ponders for minute. "You're Tony's daughter!"

I give him a small smile. "S-So I am. I-I'm Laura," I manage to stutter out, holding out a perfectly manicured.

He take in his giant palm, flashing me a million watt smile. "I'm-"

"Jason Witten. I know," I blurt out. My eyes go wide, and I slap a hand over my mouth, mentally face palming. He raises an eyebrow, looking at me curiously.

Please just let me crawl into a hole and shrivel up like a raisin.

I'm thankful for about three seconds when my dad, Tony Romo, arrives, pulling me into a hug.

Then, I take one glance at the glare he's giving Jason, and at that point in time, I know I'm doomed.

"So Witten, I didn't know you knew my beautiful, but alas, SINGLE, daughter Laura," dad says. A blush rises up to my cheeks, and I look everywhere else but at the gorgeous tight end in front of me.

"Well, guys, it's been a grand time, but I've got to-"

Dad wraps an arm around my shoulders. "The cheerleaders don't practice until 3:30, and it's only 1:04," he points out. I shoot him a fake smile accompanied by an annoyed glare.

However, dad being dad, sees right through the signals I'm sending him and assumes everything's alroght. 

I stand there awkwardly as my dad and Jason have a full n conversation about God knows what. 

I feel someone tapping my shoulder, and I turn around to meet the eyes of Kimberly, my best friend. She says something to dad, and he nods, planting a kiss on my forehead. Jason sends me a small wave, and I give him a nervous smile. 

Kimberly drags me away from them. Soon enough, we reach the parking lot. 

"Laura, I swear to God if you don't make a move on Jason, then I will," Kimberly threatens. I gulp, looking down at the gravel parking lot. 

"You have been absolutely smitten with him for as long as I can remember. Just make a move!" She exclaims. 

"Kimberly, I don't think that's-"

She grabs my hair, yanking my body down.

"Laura, I'm not asking again," she scolds me like a parent. "After the game, if I don't see your bashful ass walk over to him, then it's game over for you," she hisses.

Releasing her death grip, she gives me a smile. 

"Now, where do you wanna go for lunch?"


Today, the Cowboys are playing the Eagles at home. 

I watch the team sprint out of the tunnel onto the field, and naturally, my eyes focus on Jason. He looks at me as runs past, and I look down.

By the third quarter, the Cowboys are annihilating the Eagles 42-14.

The girls and I cheer loudly along with the Cowboys' fans as Jason catches the ball, running towards the end zone.

A defender tackles him right in front of me, and I watch as Jason rolls his head to one side, meeting my gaze. I see him smirk, and before I know it, I'm melting like. 

He sends me a wink, and just like that, I turn into a pool of chocolate. 

My mouth is ajar when Kimberly saunters over to me, a knowing smirk framing her features.

Of course she saw that whole fiasco. 

"What were you about to say in the parking lot?" She teases. "Something along the lines of 'I don't think that's a good idea.'"

I swat at her with my pom-poms, and she runs away, giggling.

Why is she always right?


Howdy hey Laura {blackhawkgirl88}! Hope you enjoyed reading your imagine! I gotta admit, Jason Witten is one hot mama-jama <3!

Thanks so much for reading! :{)

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