I'm Perfect for You ~ Odell Beckham Jr. for Tyla {trapfumes}

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But if you like causing troubles up in hotel rooms

And if you like having secret little rendezvous

If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do

Then baby I'm perfect

Baby I'm perfect for you 

~ One Direction 


"Come on, Odell, pick up," I whisper to myself. Holding the phone up to my ear, I clutch it desperately.

I breathe a sigh of relief when he answers. 


"Hey Odell, it's Tyla."

I can hear his hesitant tone fade away. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was another fan calling me. Why'd you call me on this number?"

I look down, embarrassed. "I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, my purse, containing my phone, was gone, along with my date." I curl my finger around the phone cord. On the other end, I hear Odell sigh.

"Okay, where are you, Tyla?"

I look around at my surroundings. "I'm right in front of Barnes & Nobles," I reply.

"Alrighty, see you in a few."

The line goes dead, and I wrap my arms around my torso, searching for warmth.

I wait near the phone booth, looking around for Odell's familiar orange Ferrari to pull up. 

I hear a honk behind me, and I grin when his car comes into view. I practically run over to the passenger side, yanking the door open quickly. I quickly take a seat, silently thanking the heavens that he put the heater on. I shut the door just as quickly. 

"Thanks," I say through chattering teeth. He studies my body language for a split second before reaching into the back seat. He retrieves a blanket, quickly wrapping me inside of it.

Thank the Lord for this boy. 

He puts the car into drive, pulling out of the parking lot. I stare out the window. I'm about to say something when Odell speaks up.

"So, I'm guessing that was the highlight of your date?"

I look at him, and his face displays anger. I look down at my hands resting in my lap.

"Well, actually, everything was going good before he stole my things," I reply quietly. His fingers tap on the steering wheel.

"Tyla, can I ask you a serious question?" He stops at a red light, and his dark brown eyes meet mine. 


"Well, why do you only go out with the douchebags? This is the second time out of five dates that one of them has taken your property!" Odell slams his hands on the steering wheels, and I flinch at the sound.

"Unlike you I'm trying to get out of the single life! Why do you get so salty whenever I go out with someone?" I retort. 

He doesn't reply, continuing to cruise along. 

When we arrive at my house, he grabs my hand. I look at him expectantly. He runs a hand through his hair.

"I don't know if you're up for it, but I think I have the perfect guy for you," he says, sending me a goofy smile. I raise an eyebrow.

"Seriously, I think you guys would make the hottest couple ever!" His eyes light up when he says that, and I chuckle at his cuteness. 

"Sure, I'll go on your little blind date," I reply. I give him a kiss on the cheek before getting out. I turn around, waving as he pulls out of the driveway.

Show me your best, Beckham.


I walk inside of the restaurant, taking in the intoxicating aroma of Italian food. I walk up the waiter, asking for the party of Brown. The waiter leads me over to a table, and my jaw drops.

There sits a smug Odell, wearing his best suit, smiling at me. 

My mouth still hangs open when I take my seat and the waiter places the menus in front of us. He chuckles as I stare him down. 

So this was his perfect guy.

Finally clamping my mouth shut, I hold the menu up, looking at the various entrees. 

I can't help a smile while looking. Unfortunately, Odell seems to notice.

"Is there something on my face?" He says suddenly, becoming self-conscious. I shake my head no, giggling at his cuteness.


"Thanks so much Odell," I say, wrapping my shawl tighter around me. He takes off his blazer, wrapping it around my shoulders. I smile up at him. 

We finally make our way to his car. Struggling with his keys a bit, I can tell he's nervous about something. I put my hand on his upper arm, and he stops his actions. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. He avoids my eyes, licking his lips nervously. 

"Well, Tyla, I don't know if you feel the same way, but the reason I arranged this date was for me to tell you how I really feel." He takes my hands in his. "I've always had feelings for you ever since Eli introduced us at that party. I'd always get jealous when you went out with those other guys because I knew I could treat you better than them. I understand if you don't return my feelings." He turns to his car, about to open the door. 

I pull him back by the waist, wrapping my arms around him. I rest my head on his back, taking in his aromatic smell. "Odell, I've always liked you, too."

He turns around abruptly. "Really?" He squeals like a child. I look up at him, nodding my head. I give him a smile.

He opens the passenger door for me. "M'lady." 

I give him a curtsy before getting inside. He runs back to the driver's side, instantly getting in. We look at each other for a while. 

I throw all caution to the wind and grab the sides of his face, pulling him in for a quick smooch. 

We pull away, blushes creeping onto our faces. Looking away from each other, we sit in blissful silence for a while.

"I can't believe it," Odell whispers. I look at him questioningly. 

"I just kissed the girl of my dreams."


Tyla {trapfumes}! Thank you so much for requesting this imagine! I apologize for this being up so late, and I hope you have fun on your vacation! :)

Thanks so much for reading! 

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