Cool It Now ~ Derek Carr for Alex {AureaMcBuckets3}

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Cool it now

You've got to slow down

Slow it down

You're gonna fall in love

~New Edition


"Alex Curry!"

I stand up as I hear applause engulf the stadium. I shake hands, smiling at people I've known my whole life and people I barely know. I walk to the middle of the court, accepting my MVP award quietly, a large smile framing my features. I see my brother, his wife, and my niece in the crowd, and my parents are sitting right next to them. I scan the crowd for another face, and when I spot him, I look at him lovingly. He gives me an encouraging smile, and I raise up my MVP award.

As I'm being congratulated furthermore, I can't help but remember how this all happened.


I'm running down the court, guarding an opposing team member. They go for a lay up, but miss.

I jump up, trying to get the rebound. Unfortunately, about six other players have the same idea.

Before I know it, I'm knocked down, lading face down on top of someone that was sitting at courtside.

I look them in the eye, and I realize that I landed on top of Derek Carr, quarterback for the Oakland Raiders. A blush creeps onto my cheeks, and I get up immediately, extending a hand. "Sorry about that," I mumble. He smiles at me, exposing his white teeth.

I almost faint at his sexiness.

"It's alright. It's not everyday a starting point guard for the LA Clippers falls on top of you," he laughs. "I'm Derek," he says, holding a hand out.

"I know," I blurt out. He raises his eyebrows, and I clamp a hand over my mouth, blushing madly.

Jesus Christ.

I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut.

I place my hand in his, shaking it slowly. "Alex," I reply.

"Well, Alex, maybe we can see each other again? I'd really like to," he says, looking down. I silently awww at his cuteness. I signal for him to hand me his phone, and he obliges.

"Call me soon. I have nothing else to do this week," I say with a wink.

When the fuck did this sudden confidence wash over me?

He blushes at the comment. "S-sure," he stammers. A ref taps my shoulder, signaling for me to get back to the game. I give Derek a sheepish smile, before jogging back to the sideline.

The Clippers end up winning 104-96.

I walk up to my brother, Steph Curry. He crosses his arms when I approach him, narrowing his eyes at me. I look at him in confusion, but eventually, I decide to shrug it off.

"Good game, bro," I say, patting his shoulder. He grunts in response.

"Steph, what's your problem? I came over here being a good sport, but you're being a sore loser right now!" I whine. His face turns red in anger.

"Maybe you should be more focused on the actually game than some deadbeat quarterback!" He screams. I step back.

"Are you talking about Derek? I just-"

"So that's the prick's name? Derek? I will not allow my baby sister to go and date some football player!"

I stomp my feet in frustration. "Stephen, really? I'm old enough to think and do things for myself! I will not allow you to control my life!"

He grabs his things. "We'll see about that, baby sister."

He walks out off the court, leaving me standing there with tears threatening to spill.


"What's wrong babes?" Ayesha, Steph'a wife, says as she opens the door. I immediately engulf her into a hug, crying into her shoulder.

She leads me over to the living room, taking a seat. She pats the seat next to her. I flop down, crossing my arms over my chest, still crying a little. She rubs my back soothingly.

"Did Steph do it?" She whispers. I nod my head. She sighs. "Spill."

I tell her everything that happened during the game. She nods understandingly.

I then tell her about Stephen's reaction to me and Derek's interaction. She places a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about his behavior."

I shrug, and she takes this as a signal to whip out her phone. I look at her, and she gives me a mischievous smile.

"Curry, get your ass home immediately. We need to talk. And no funny business." She hangs up, ignoring any of his attempts to talk to her. She leans back against the chair, arms behind her head.

"Now, we wait."


Steph arrives 20 minutes after the call. When he comes inside, he stops short.

He knows he's in deep shit.

Ayesha gives him a sassy smirk before getting up off the couch. She grabs his arm before throwing him onto the couch. He tries to stand up, but she gives him a look.

He stops moving after that.

"So, Steph, you think it's okay to tell my baby cakes here that she can't date a football player?" She says. Steph gulps, his eyes flitting from her to me. I give him a smirk.

"Well, yes, but-"

She places her hands on either side of him. "But what?! She wants to go out with this Derek Carr, but you're restraining her! She is an independent young woman! And do I need to bring up what happened when we started dating?"

He mumbles under his breath. "No."

"That's what I thought." She gives me a smile. "Go get 'em girl. Turn your sexy on!"

"Don't say that to her, baby!"

"Steph, shut the fuck up. And Alex, when Steph and I started dating-"


"-my brothers hated his guts. They'd do anything to sabotage him and tried to change my mind. Unfortunately, it didn't work." She takes a seat next to Steph, kissing his cheek. "I love this idiot to the moon and back."

I give Ayesha a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squeal.

Someone clears their throat.

I look at Steph, and he's staring at me expectantly.

"What about me?" He pouts. I roll my eyes, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I give them a small wave before leaving.


"So, I think I'll be able to make it to that date you promised me," I say, smiling. I can't see him, but I bet Derek's smiling on the other end.

"I can't wait to see you, beautiful," he says. I silently aww at his cuteness.

"Have a good night," he says.

"You too," I reply before hanging up.

Ayesha, I owe you one.


Hey Alex {AureaMcBuckets3}! Hope you enjoyed your imagine! I'm sorry for the crappy ending, I don't really like writing on my phone, but I really needed to finish yours because you've been waiting patiently. :{)

Thanks for reading!

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