Disconnected ~ Cam Newton for Allyson {PenguinHemmings12}

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You are my getaway

You are my favorite place

We put the world away

Yeah, we're so disconnected

~5 Seconds of Summer


I watch as Cam exits the locker room, head hung down in shame. I give him a sheepish smile when he looks up, but his facial expression doesn't shift from its defeated expression. I walk over to him, massaging his shoulders.

"Cam, baby, you did amazing! One loss won't kill you, babe. I'm still proud of you no matter what," I say while planting a kiss on his cheek. He wraps an arm around my waist silently, leading me to the parking lot.

We quietly enter the car, initiating the journey to the house.


I place Cam's plate in front of him on the coffee table. His eyes are fixated on the game highlights from the week.

He visibly cringes as Julio Jones makes his way into the end zone for a touchdown. Quickly grabbing the remote, I shut the TV off.

"Uhh, Cam, you want to eat? I made your favorite, double bacon cheeseburger with-"

He slams his fist on the coffee table. I look at him in shock.

"You know what I wanna do, Allyson? I wanna get as far away from you as possible! Stop being so damn clingy! I wanted to come home, relax and forget about what happened today, but it just keeps coming up! You're doing no better!" He snarls at me.

I hang my head down as he continues.

"Just leave me alone Allyson! That's all I fucking ask!" He finishes. I meet his eyes as tears form in mine. I calmly place the remote down and proceed to run up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door closed.

I collapse to the floor as I hear loud crashes downstairs.


I pull the covers tighter around me as I stare out into the darkness. The only light in the room comes from the moon, and I replay what happened earlier in my head continuously.

It's been 3 hours since the incident, and I haven't heard anything coming from downstairs.

I sigh deeply.

Maybe Cam is annoyed by me.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts as I hear the bedroom door silently click open, shutting close almost immediately after. My breath hitches in my throat.

The side of the bed sinks, and a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist. I lean into the warmth.

"Ally, baby, I'm so sorry," Cam murmurs.

I don't reply. Instead, I focus on cuddling my body into his, hoping to find the least bit of warmth. He gently pecks the back of my neck, leaving a soft trail of kisses.

"Baby girl, I didn't mean anything that I said. I was stressed and angry and I took it out on you when I shouldn't have." Cam apologizes.

I hum in response.

"Ally, do you forgive me?"

"Cam, you scared the shit out of me. I didn't think you were that angry considering you've lost before. I'm sorry for being so clingy," I whisper.

He turns me around so that I face him. He captures his lips with mine.

"Allyson, you have absolutely nothing to be apologizing for. I was the one being a big jerk," he replies with a small smile.

This time, I return it.


"Yeah babe?"

"I love you, you jerk."

He tickles my sides, and laughter erupts in the room.

"Does that mean that you forgive me?" He asks, mimicking a young child.

I laugh, nodding. He smiles brightly.

"Now, Ally, what do you say I make it up to you?" He asks seductively, running a hand up and down my thigh. I moan quietly.

"I would like that quite a bit, Mr. Newton."


Heyyo Allyson {PenguinHemmings12}! Hope you liked your imagine, and I'm sorry for it being so short and up so late!

Thanks so much for reading! :)

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