The Girl is Mine ~ Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliot for Amber {O2Lfan14}

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I love you more than he

But I love you endlessly

So come and go with me

~ MJ and Paul McCartney


The loud music blares around me as I take a sip of my drink, looking around at the multiple bodies grinding against each other. I scan the crowd, searching for my friends who came with me, but unfortunately, they're nowhere to be seen.

I roll my eyes, taking a seat at the counter. Looking at the drink in my hands, I sigh loudly.

"Why so down, sweetheart?"

I look up, startled from the sudden change of atmosphere. I look to my right and see perhaps the most handsome man I've ever seen in my entire 21 years of existence. A smile spreads across his face, and my jaw drops in realization.

"Dear Jesus, I want to thank you for bringing me here at this exact time," I mumble under my breath before turning my full attention to Ezekiel Elliot. His brown eyes look confused for a second, but my smile softens him up a little.

"I'm just bored. My friends are dancing somewhere hopefully," I reply, searching for them once more. My gaze is abruptly shifted to face Zeke as he tilts my face towards his. Our eyes gaze into each other, and Zeke takes this moment to speak.

"What's your name, ma?" He asks seductively, staring at my plump lips. My breath hitches in my throat, and I gulp before responding.

"I'm Amber. You?" I reply, even though I know very well who he is. Zeke sends me a bright smile, biting his lip.

"Ezekiel. Would you like-"

"Zeke! What the hell are you doing with my girl?!"

I yank myself away from Zeke, and my eyes practically bulge out of my head as a toned arm wraps itself around my shoulders. My eyes travel up the figure slowly, taking in every inch of this man.

Zeke stands up, rolling his eyes and placing his drink on the counter. "Dude, Dak, I saw her first. Slow your roll."

"Dak? As in Dak-"

"Prescott," he finishes for me. "I'm Dak, and he's Zeke, but he'll be gone in a second. I have to get to know this fine lady sitting right here," Dak says, sitting down next to me. He sends me a wink, causing me to blush.

Dear God, I want to thank you for this moment.

Zeke rolls his eyes again, taking a seat and sipping his drink silently. Dak pulls me closer to him, ordering himself a drink before speaking.

"What's your name?"

I narrow my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "You have the nerve to call me your girl, yet you don't even know my name? Boy, you trippin'." I reply, shaking my head. I hear Ezekiel trying to stifle his laughter on the other side of me.

Dak puts his hands up in defense, shrugging a little. "Sorry ma. That line just usually works on other girls."

I shake my head, trying to hold back a smile. "I'm not like other girls, honey." Zeke puts his drink down loudly, causing our attention to shift to him. Zeke has a smug look on his face.

"If you must know her name, it's Amber." Zeke sends me a bright smile. Dak stands up, striding right over to Ezekiel. Zeke returns his actions, successfully getting in Dak's face. Dak cracks his knuckles, causing me to flinch a little. Zeke doesn't move an inch, narrowing his eyes at Dak.

"Looks like I got some competition. Won't be hard to get him out of the way though," Dak threatens, pushing Zeke backwards. I stand up, getting in between the two men before a fight ensues.

"Guys, let's talk about this, okay? I'm not that great." I try to negotiate with the two of them, but it's an unsuccessful attempt. Instead, I proceed to get squished in between two very fit football players.

"Dak, I will not hesitate to squash you like a bug. I met her first anyways," Ezekiel responds, recovering from the shove.

The two begin to throw insults back and forth, ignoring my protests.

Eventually, I get annoyed to the point where I shut both of them up with a quick slap to each of their faces.

"Will you two shut the hell up?! I barely know you two! For fucks sake, calm down because I'm not going home with either of you! End of story!" I exclaim, gathering my things from the counter and walking straight into the crowd of sweaty bodies. I find my friends sitting on a couch, chatting up a storm with random guys. I sit down beside one of them, huffing and crossing my arms over my chest.

She looks at me, concern framing her features. "What's up Amber? You good?" I turn to face her, crossing my legs.

"You two left me to deal with two arguing football players! What the hell?" I complain, pouting. She laughs, jerking her head to the left.

"You mean those two football players?"

My eyes widen as Ezekiel and Dak make a b-line towards me, shoving each other and other club goers.

I face palm as they stand in front of me. Before they speak, I hold a hand up, making them silent.

"Guys, I'm flattered, really, but I don't want all of this unnecessary attention, especially from two rowdy football players. So here,"  I say, fishing in my purse for a couple slips of paper and a pen. "Here's my number. Call me when you both get some damn sense."

I stand up, walking out of the club, leaving two gobsmacked football players behind me. As I walk to my car, I roll my eyes as I still hear them shouting.

"The girl is mine!"


Hi Amber {O2Lfan14}! I hope you enjoyed reading your imagine, and I'm sorry it sucked {balls haha}! Thank you all very much for reading, and expect more updates coming soon as I'm finishing up the school year! 

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