A Baby is Coming Your Way ~ Luke Kuechly for Gillian {MysticalZombiePunk}

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Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun

And I say

It's all right

~The Beatles


I bite my lip nervously as the Panthers rush out onto the field for warmups. My boyfriend, Luke Kuechly, shoots me a goofy grin, which makes me smile nervously. I sit down on the field, absentmindedly playing with the grass.

I'm aware of who it is when the sun is blocked, casting a dark shadow on the ground.

"Luke, right now is not the time," I say quietly. The figure still sits down next to me.

"Well, I came over here to see if you're alright, but I guess I'll just get going," he replies. I whip my head around to see the dimpled smile of Cam Newton, the Panther's awesome quarterback.

I blush in embarrassment. "Sorry Cam, I didn't mean to-"

He waves it off. "It's okay. But one question: why didn't you want to talk to Luke?"

I nervously bite the inside of my cheek. "It's a long story."

Cam looks down at a watch that doesn't exist. "Well, I got about an hour before the game starts, so you can tell me know." He gives me an encouraging smile, and before I know it, I'm taking a deep breath, getting ready to tell him everything.

"Well, umm, I'm pregnant."

Cam looks at me with wide eyes. Then he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. "That's amazing! Congrats Gill!"

I laugh a little. "Thanks, but I don't know how Luke will react. He seems like he doesn't want children right now."

"Well, if he didn't want children, he should've used a condom," he replies. "And trust me, all that boy talks about in the locker room is how beautiful your kids are gonna be. But if he changes his mind," he cracks his knuckles, "Daddy Cam is here for ya babe, you got that?"

This time, I bust out laughing. "You got it dude."

{A/N - If you know where those references are from, then I love you so much :{)}

After Cam leaves, Luke jogs over, carrying his helmet in one hand, and running a hand through his hair with the other one. I stand up, greeting him with a smile.

He finally reaches me, pecking my cheek before wrapping me in a hug. "Hey baby," he mumbles, laying his head against my shoulder. I don't reply, and he pulls away, noticing my non-existent reply.

He looks at me, a puzzled expression framing his features. "Gillian,what's wrong?"

I look down at the ground.

I can't face him like this.

"Nothing you need to know about!" I snap at him. His eyes widen in shock. Then, he looks hurt. He puts on his helmet, jogging back out onto the field. He leaves without a word.

I hang my head down, tears threatening to spill.


I cheer as best as I can during the game.

However, the Panthers are down by one touchdown.

Deep down, I want to run out onto the field and give Luke a big hug.

But after our little fiasco, I doubt he wants to talk to me.

The clocks ticks down to two minutes, and I nervously watch Luke takes his position. He looks so out of it.

I put all caution to the wind, and I run out onto the field.

I hear Coach throwing down his clipboard down in frustration. "What the hell does she think she's doing?!"

I ignore all the stares and shouting and march right up to Luke. He looks at me, surprised that I'd even have the balls to do this. I yank his helmet off and pull him in for a passionate kiss.

"Luke, baby, I'm pregnant," I say quickly. His blue eyes sparkle, and a big grin almost splits his face in half. Before he can do anything, I place his helmet back on his head before landing a slap on his butt.

"Now go get 'em, tiger," I say with a wink.

Let's just say that they won that night.

And that's not the only thing that Luke won that night.


Gillian {AKA MysticalZombie} !!! I really hope you liked your imagine! Luke is so adorable!

Anywhosers, hope you all enjoyed this imagine as well! Now I need to get my butt in gear so I don't miss too much of the Pats vs. Bills game! Ciao for now!

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