I Gotcha Babe ~ Richard Sherman for Aria {qveenpariah}

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The glow that the sun gives right around sunset

Helps me realize this is just a journey

Drop your worries

You're gonna turn out fine

~ Andy Grammer


I nervously bite on the end of my pen, staring as the offense takes its place near the end zone. It's 1st & goal, and I pray to God that they make this touchdown.

Russell calls the play, and the offensive line spreads out into position. The other coaches and I decided to throw the ball, and I cross my fingers as Russell throws the ball.

I hold my breath.

My eyes follow the flawless spiral that is thrown.

Tyler Lockett's hands go up in the air, trying to catch the ball.

My face falls.

The ball is intercepted.

Coach Carroll throws down his hat in frustration. 

We lost 28-24. 

I run a hand through my hair, patting Coach Carroll on the back before heading off to find Richard. He can get pretty angry after a loss, and I'm almost positive that he's gonna go off on somebody.

By the time I get to the main entrance, Kam Chancellor is running up to me, clearly out of breath. I rub his back soothingly while he huffs and puffs.

"You played good out there today, Kam. I'm proud of you," I say reassuringly. He gives me a strained smile before telling me the real problem.

"Thanks Aria. But that's not the problem," he finally replies when he catches his breath. "Rich and Russ are getting into it in the locker room. Coach Carroll told me to get you. He said that-"

I don't even let Kam finish his sentence as I sprint down to the locker room.


"You are a crappy quarterback, you know that?" I hear Richard hiss at Russell. I watch as Russell doesn't say anything, and instead, he continues to pack up his things, getting ready to head home. Richard fumes in anger, and in about ten seconds, he rushes over to Russell, throwing his things across the locker room. A few defensive ends spring up, getting ready to break up any altercation. 

I take a step closer to the two, getting ready to intervene.

"What the fuck was that for?!" Russell roars at Richard. He grabs Rich by his collar, pulling him closer. Richard shoves him off.

"You shouldn't be on this team! You can't throw a damn football!"

"Did you ever think that reason we lost was because of your crappy defense? Don't blame anything on me! I already get enough of that shit from the media!" Russell shouts. 

A blur of dreads passes in front of me.

Before I know it, Richard has tackled Russell to the ground, and the two are throwing punches and kicks at each other.

I run over to yank Richard off of Russell, yelling for some help. Marshawn Lynch grabs Richard by the shoulders, ripping him off of Russell. Russell lunges at Richard, trying to get a grip on him. He's taking deep breaths, obviously out of the scuffle they just had.

"You piece of shit! Get out of here!" Russell spits. His left cheek has a giant bruise, and it's slowly turning purple with hints of green. His hair is disheveled, and his nose is bleeding. 

Richard's in no better shape.

His right eye is turning a dark shade of purple, and his upper lip is busted. He hangs his head down before walking out of the locker room. I feel all eyes on me as I rush over to his locker, grab his things, and run out after him.


I finally catch up to him in the parking lot. He's speed walking to his car, a look of guilt on his face. 

"Richard!" I shout as I get closer to him. He looks back at me; his walking comes to a close. As I reach him, he continues walking while I'm at his side. I look at him, studying his face. I then grab his bicep, leaning onto him.

"Baby, it's not your fault. You and the rest of the guys did the best you could today," I reassure him. He kicks a small rock, and it rolls under his car. He opens the passenger door for me, taking his bag from my grip. Walking around to the driver's side, he takes his seat, throwing the bag into the back seat.

I watch as he straightens up his dreads in the rearview mirror before turning on the ignition. He sighs to himself before pulling out. 

I look out the window, watching the rain drops race down my window.


I'm warming up some Parmesan chicken when I decide to go check on Richard. He's been quiet ever since we got home. I skip steps as I go upstairs.

I knock on the door, and I hear a strained voice say barely above a whisper, "Come in."

Opening the door slowly, I peer inside before going to sit on the bed. 

Richard is facing away from me. His head hangs down, and his dreads frame his beautiful face. I place a hand on his back, making small circles with the palm of my hand. 

"Richard, honey, you okay?"

His looks at me; his chocolate brown eyes are shining with tears. My eyes widen before pulling him into a hug. He sobs quietly into my shoulder.

I rock him back and forth. "Richard, Russell was just mad. It's not your fault babe."

He pulls away. "I just feel like I let the team down. Today wasn't my best game, and we lost against the Cardinals!" He yanks on his dreads. 

"Richard, you're not the only member on the team! You're not responsible for them! They did their jobs, and you did yours! Sometimes you won't play as good as you think, but you and I both know damn well that you gave it your all today!" I reply. 

He looks down. "I'm just irritated that we lost. I hate losing," he mumbles. I laugh a little, planting a kiss on his cheek. 

"I'm irritated too. All those plays I made up didn't exactly work out too well," I say, running a hand through my hair. "But guess what?"


I lean closer to him, planting a short kiss on his lips. "I gotcha babe." I shoot him a wink.

Before I know it, I'm lifted up in the air by a pair of strong arms. He brings me down to eye level, gazing deep into my eyes. I return my gaze, silently melting at his scintillating eyes. 

"I love you Aria."

I smile at him.

"I love you too."


Heyyo Aria {qveenpariah}! Hope you enjoyed your imagine, and I'm sorry it took quite a while to put up! 

Thanks for reading, and ciao for now!

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