Love at First Sight ~ Tom Brady for Desiree {OfficalPatriotsQB}

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This is it

This is the moment 

Am I right or wrong?

But I've got to catch you

Before you are gone again

~ Josh Verdes


"Desiree! Come here and help your old pops here!"

I roll my eyes as I lug the giant water cooler to the sideline. Huffing with each pull, I sigh in relief as I finally place it near the benches. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I shoot my father an irritated look. "Yeah, dad? What do you need help with now?"

He places a hand on my back. "Well, we have a game today, and I really need your help rounding up all of the offense for me. Is that ok?" I nod.

"You know, I feel more like a helper instead of your apprentice," I say. He chuckles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. 

"Believe it or not, this is how I started as well."

I scoff. "There's no way in he-"

"Language," he scolds. 

"Fine. There's no way in heck that this is what you had to do when you first started," I correct myself. He shrugs his shoulders, leading me towards the locker room.


I cover my eyes when we near the doors. Dad laughs a little at my child-like tendencies. "You're crazy if you think you're going in there,  you goofball," he says while slapping my back playfully. "I'm just going to call a few of them out so you can meet them in person. Wait here," he says, flashing me his signature Josh McDaniels' smile. I cross my arms over my chest.

Less than a minute later, I see Rob Gronkowski stumble out of the locker room. His wife beater clings to him perfectly, showing his defined muscles. The practice shorts that he has on practically hang below his butt.

Holy shit.

I'm about to meet Gronk.

Rob flashes me a smile, holding out his hand. "Rob, nice to meet you."

I take his giant hand in my small one, shaking it. "Desiree, or Desi for short. Nice to meet you as well," I reply. I give him a smile. 

"Alright, Gronkie Boy, now that you've met my beautiful daughter, here's the game plan for today..."

I zone out for the rest of dad's speech. By the time dad's done {or so I think}, he's already brought out another person.


I introduce myself properly to numerous team members that day. When I'm done introducing myself, dad tells me to grab some stray helmets and other numerous equipment off of the field. I nod, running out of the tunnel into Gillette Stadium.

I take in the beautiful scenery again for the millionth time.

It just never ceases to amaze me.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts by a deep voice behind me saying, "It really is amazing, isn't it?"

I jump about six feet in the air, whirling around to come face to face with THE quarterback, Tom Brady.

My knees wobble uncontrollably. Thankfully, Tom doesn't seem to notice. 

Instead, he gives me a warm smile. 

Knees, control yourself. 

"I-I'm Desiree M-McDaniels," I stammer, holding out a hand. He looks at my hand in detest. 

Instead, he pulls me into a hug. 

I lean into his touch.

But as soon as it comes, it's gone. I try to reject a pout that decides to creep on my face. 

"Hand shakes are so formal, aren't they?" He insinuates. I nod my head. 

His eyes rake my body, and suddenly, I feel self-conscious. 

"You're Coach McDaniels' daughter, right?" He asks. Again, I nod. 

The right words seem to be lacking in my vocabulary right now.

"Well, do you mind if I show you around? Or do you need help with anything?" He asks. I point to the sidelines. 

"Dad told me to look for any stray equipment that might have been left here," I reply. Tom nods, extending out his arm. "Let's go, m'lady."

I give him a smile, linking my arm with his. 


Before we know it, we've found multiple stray towels, shoulder pads, helmets, etc. Tom and I put them into a giant bag, lugging it down the tunnel to the locker room. 

LeGarrette Blount walks out, stopping in his tracks when he spots me and Tom. "Hey guys!" He says cheerfully. Tom and I greet him with tired smiles. 

"Have you seen my dad?" I ask him. He nods, pointing to the offices. I thank him, and Tom pulls him in for a bro hug. "See ya, Blount."

LeGarrette salutes Tom, and we all laugh before going our separate ways.


Tom and I walk in silence for the first few minutes as we make the trek to dad's office. He clears his throat. I look at him expectantly. 

"So, Desiree, do you have a boyfriend?"

I blush at the question. "Umm, no, not at the moment. Why?"

He looks down, blushing a little. "Well, you see, I think you're stunning!" He basically shouts, before clamping a hand over his mouth. I blush even harder, and a smile creeps its way onto my lips.

"I mean, umm, well, you know-" He stutters. I laugh a little. 

"It's okay. I think you're really handsome as well," I say quietly. Out of the corner of my eye, I can him smile shyly.

"Well, uh, would it be okay if I asked you to accompany me on a date on Saturday?" He asks. I gaze into his blue eyes, nodding. 

"I would love that."

"Love what?"

We both whip around, coming face to face with dad. A blush rises onto my face, and Tom looks down. Dad walks over to Tom, clapping a hand on his back. 

"I heard everything, big shot," he hisses. Tom visibly tenses, and I shut my eyes tightly, silently praying that dad doesn't cause a scene. 

Instead, a big smile runs across his face. "Don't worry, I heard everything. Of course you can take my little Desi out!" His face falls. "However, if you as so do something to my princess that she doesn't like and she tells me, you're dead meat, superstar," he threatens. Tom gulps, and a smile returns back to dad's face. He looks at the giant bag at our feet.

"Now, where were we?"


What's cookin' Desiree {OfficalPatriotsQB}? Thanks so much for requesting an imagine with my fave quarterback! I hope you like your imagine! 

Thanks so much for reading! :)

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