Lightning {1} ~ Julian Edelman for Kelsey {szczingtheday}

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Those eyes, one look and I'm enchanted

Your voice a serenade, and it sings to my heart

One kiss, turned the skies to grey

I'll never get away, no shelter from the rain

~ Little Mix


I sigh as I walk into Gillette, heading to the locker room for our first practice of the new season. I usually get there first in order to get some extra warmups in before the game.

Just as I tug on my jersey, the door opens, and I whip my head to the left, taking in the smirking face of the one person I don't want to see.

Julian Fucking Francis Edelman.

I ignore his gaze, sitting down in a chair next to my locker. As I reach down to grab my cleats, they're hoisted into the air, and I groan, standing up.

"Julian, for the love of God, please give me my cleats back."

He slings them around by the laces, and I grimace as the expensive cleats hit LeGarrette Blount's locker. "Why should I? You shouldn't even play anyways."

My heart breaks a little at his words, but I shrug his comment off. Instead, I focus at the task at hand.

"Julian, give them to me," I demand, holding one of my hands out. He rolls his eyes before chucking them at me, almost whacking me in the face.

"There you go, princess. Now be a doll and leave while I get dressed. Unless," he wiggles his eyebrows, "you would like to see me shirtless."

I scoff. "As if, Edelman. I wouldn't date you if you were the last person on earth."

I jog out of the locker room, ruminating on his earlier comments.


"Okay guys, we're done for today."

I hold back a cheer as I reach down for my water bottle. A hand grabs my shoulder, pulling me into their chest.

"You might want to keep some of that water, princess. You have ten extra laps to run."

My water bottle hits the ground as I abruptly turn around, eyeing Julian in disbelief.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I've done more laps than anybody else today!" I screech, arousing the attention of the other teammates.

"Well, I'm in charge of YOU, rookie, so you have to do what I say. Do you want me to add more?" He challenges. I sigh, beginning to jog around the field.

I feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head as I complete the laps.

As soon as I'm done, I brush past Julian rudely, making my way to the locker room to get changed. I hear his footsteps following me, but I ignore him, increasing my speed.

"Kelsey, wait," I hear him say behind me. His footsteps increase, and I practically sprint to the locker room. Shoving random objects into my duffle bag, I race to the door.

Just to my luck, I see Julian's face as soon as I shove it open.

I push him out of the way, giving myself enough room to exit the locker room. A hand grabs my arm, forcefully pulling me back.

"Julian, what the hell?" I hiss out, ripping my arm out of his grip. "Haven't you tortured me enough already?"


I push his chest, causing him to stumble backwards a little. "Shut it, man! I don't want to hear it! You've overworked me for the past two weeks, making me do extra! Why don't you do it to any of the other guys, huh? Are you just a sexist little piece of shi-"

"Kelsey! Shut up and let me say something!"

His commanding voice causes me to shut my mouth instantly. Julian runs a hand through his hair, and his blue eyes meet my own.

"Listen, I'm sorry for making you do all this extra stuff, alright? I guess I just don't know how to correctly show my feelings."

He sighs, and I raise an eyebrow questionably.

"Excuse me?" I blink, trying to correctly process what he said. He smiles sheepishly.

"I like you a lot, Kelsey."

I blink again.

Then I bust out into laughter.

"Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight," I say, still giggling a little, "the Julian Edelman has a crush on me? Me? The girl he's been harassing ever since she got here! Wow! What a joke!"

I jab my finger into his chest.

"If you ever think a sudden confession is going to change my mind about you, think again Edelman."

I watch his jaw drop as I walk past him.


After yesterday's little incident, I avoid everyone, only opening my mouth to respond to coaches' orders. 

I finish my warmups and sit on the bench, chugging down some water. Danny Amendola walks over soon after, standing in front of me. 

"Hey Kels!" He greets, holding a fist out. I give him a small smile before bumping fists with him enthusiastically. Danny raises an eyebrow, taking a seat next to me. 

"What's up with you today? You've been out of it since 8:30 this morning," he inquires. I shrug my shoulders, focusing at the grass at my feet. 

"I guess I don't feel too well today. I think I'm going to call it quits today. See ya, Danny," I reply, standing up. Danny stands up as well, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around. 

He looks me dead in the eye. 

"Look, I don't know what the hell happened between you and Jules yesterday. He wouldn't talk to me about it last night. But I do know that you guys have to fix whatever problem you two have before the game on Sunday. We all notice that something is up between you and Jules, and in all honesty, I just wish he would pull his head out of his ass and confess his feelings to you."

"Seems like you're a little late, Bubs, because I did that yesterday."

I go wide eyed as I witness a fuming Julian Edelman staring me down. I cower back a little. 

"What I said yesterday was a petty confession. I honestly regret what I've done to you, I really do. I hate myself for ruining any chances that I could've had with you, Kelsey." 

He walks closer to me, grabbing my bare hands with his gloved ones. 

"Give me a chance?"

I stare into his blue eyes, searching for anything other than love. 

I can't find anything else. 




Heyyo Kelsey! I hope you liked the first part of your imagine! I decided to make it into two parts to prevent it from being too long. 

Thank you all so much for reading! 

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