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11:14 PM

I woke up to a noise at my window, rubbing my eyes and saw my tv was still on, so I got up and turned it off, crawling back under my covers when I heard a tapping again, my body tensing up for a moment before I brought myself to get up and slowly walk over to the door that led to my balcony.

"Oh Bella," Someone said in a taunting voice, and I recognized the tone, stepping out onto the wood outside and crossed my arms over my chest. "There you are."

"You woke me up." I groaned, looking at Justin in the dark.

"Sorry, buttercup."

I took a closer look, then stepped forward, able to smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Are you drunk?"

"Am I drunk?" Chuckling he leaned against the side of my house, staring up at the stars in the sky. "That's a very good question."

"What have you had to drink?"

"A couple beers."

"How many is a couple?"

He lifted up his fingers, trying to count them, then shrugged.

"I don't even remember."

"Come inside," I took his arm, pulling him inside my room and then turned to the door, shutting it behind us and turned on the light, his hand immediately slapping it back off.

"God, do you want me to go fucking blind?" He hissed, covering his eyes with his hand.

"Shhhh," I covered his mouth, my eyes growing wide. "Do you want my brother or dad coming in here? No. I don't think so."

"Yeah, yeah I would. That'd be perfect, one of the most hated people on his list in his little sisters room. Hey J-"

"No," I covered his mouth again, our eyes meeting in the dark. "You might like trouble, but I don't. The only person that will know you are here is me, got it?"

For some reason he nodded once, my hand falling from his mouth in response.

"Reow. Feisty little thing aren't you? I like it."

"Why don't you sit down?"

"Nah, I'm good."

He was acting how he was the first day I met him, sure he was fine on dates, but I guess this was a side of him too.

"Why did you come here? You've been here a few times after we dropped my car off..."

"I have a very good memory baby doll."

"That's a new one." I blushed in the dark, watching him lean closer.

"I could think of plenty of names for you."

"Izzy?" Josh's voice was at my door, my eyes widening quickly in panic, Justin's shooting up.

"No, go in my bathroom." I whispered, pushing him quickly towards it.


"Because I'm not getting in trouble."

I shut the door gently, shaking myself as if I had been asleep and went to answer the door.

"What Josh?" I groaned, opening it up. "I was sleeping."

"I thought I heard voices."

"No, my tv was on, but I turned it off. Sorry."

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