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4:23 PM

'Hi sweetheart." I smiled at Bella, running the back of my hand on her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok right now." She smiled back, reaching up and took my hand. "Thanks."

"Of course. Are you hungry?"

"No, not right now. Maybe in a little while."

"Ok. I talked to your dad while you were asleep. I told him you were ok. When you're allowed to leave the hospital, I'll talk you home, ok?"


"Do you want anything? What do you want to do? We have to do something."

"You have to sleep." She told me. "You should go back to my place. Rest for a little while."

"No...I don't want to leave you. You just woke up."

"Justin, you're exhausted. And you don't want to start to smell, do you?" Bella laughed, reaching over and ruffled my hair.

"No." I mumbled, chuckling with her and leaned over, kissing her cheek. "Next time you fall asleep I'll walk home. My car is still at the school."

"What? How?"

"I rode in the ambulance."

"You did?"

"Yeah...I was hoping to catch you when you were finished your finals - to try and get you to listen to me...but I got there and the school was on fire..there was debri everywhere...You know...no one had you Bella."

"But- how-If no one had me I wouldn't be here."

"Well, I yelled at a few firemen, and then I ran in and found you. I just had a huge adreneline rush I guess."

"What?! Did you get hurt?! Is that where this is from?!" She picked up my wrist, making me wince a little. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"This is a whole different story - but I'm fine. It's ok."

"No it's not. What happened?"

"It's-It's nothing."

"Justin, you promised to be an open book."

I sighed, looking down at the ace bandage and then looked back up at her.

"How do you not know? Didn't you listen to your messgaes?" I raised an eyebrow, lifting up my head to see her's raised too.

"No...I never read any of your texts either."

"Oh. It's probably best you didn't listen to the message. Wednesday I-I got pretty drunk by myself at home...I called you...then I punched my mirror and cut open my hand, plus I'm pretty sure I sprained it too...I asked Jaxon to come over and help me, but he brought my dad too. My dad stayed at my house that night...and we went out to dinner after I took my finals and he dropped me off at the group. I liked it. I mean sort of...it felt pretty weird at first, but it was nice to see that I really wasn't alone."

"Of course you're not alone Justin."

"I know, but that's how it feels sometimes - no offense to you or anything, I just know I need help."

"I'm really proud of you for that."

"Thanks...that means a lot coming from you." I smiled softly at her - it was probably crooked, but I didn't mind.

"I guess this means you've saved my life twice now."

"I'd do anything for you Bella. Anything. You're my whole world...You might not believe that right now, but you will eventually. I'll do anything."

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