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"Is that the last box?" Natalie asked "Yeah. Can you believe we are doing this?" I looked around our empty house. It looks so big now. "Actually no. I remember the first day moving in." "So do I we were so excited. Our first house. Our parents cried all day. I can't believe we are leaving. What will it be like?" "Normal I guess. We were never home anyway. We need to have a old fashion Natalie and Mady day." "Mady and Natalie." "Nope! Anyways what's next? We are moving in with our boyfriends. Next engaged, marriage, babies, then what! Maybe we should do this." Natalie started breathing heavy. "Calm down. That isn't going to happen. Not yet anyways. We are just moving in. Just living together. Your acting like you have to get married right now. You know neither one of us are ready." "Your right. But what if he asks to soon what do I do?!" "First of all calm down. Second say what you think is right you will know when he asks. Third of all I am hungry." "I guess your right. An so am I. We really are doing this. We moved in here a year ago. I thought we would be here a little longer. But I guess love catches you when you least expect it." "I guess so." "Let's go. We have dinner with everyone tonight." Natalie smiled but she didn't move. "So many memories. Laughter. Tears. Jokes. Boys. Pain. Amazement. I can't believe its over." "It's not over. We will still hang out. I will come to your house like you will come to mine. Like old times. Just a new chapter of our lives." "Your right. Maybe instead of going to dinner we can have a night in at one of our houses." "That's a great idea! Plus we all hate dressing up!!!" Natalie jumped up and down. I laughed. Niall and Harry walked in. Swear was clear on their faces. Niall put his hands be hide his head and breathed in deeply. Natalie giggled at Harry for wearing a pig tail but she loved it endlessly. "What's going on?" Niall said walking over to me. He wrapped around my wasit. My back pressed against his sweaty chest. "Just a night in instead of going out. What do you think?" "Sounds good. Whose house?" Niall asked "Mine! I just learned how to make this new thing. Natalie showed me. We shouldn't be long. Come around 8." Harry wrapped his arms around Natalie. "Alright we will call everyone and tell them." I spoke. We said our good byes and left. I was the last to leave. Our first night here flashed though my eyes.


"Natalie!!! I just finished my room!" I yelled The house was done. Everything was perfect. "Alright! Done here too!!!" Josh pecked my cheek. "Hey babe I am going to head out alright?" "Alright. I love you." He pressed against my chest. His hands held my thin wasit. "i love you too babe. Don't miss me too much." My arms raised to his neck. "Never." I smirked He playfully glared. "I will miss you." "I will miss you too. But not to much." I stood on my tip toes. "Not even this?" He kissed me. He was rough and hard. His kiss never felt right but my love for him over came it. "Nope but let's try again." He wrapped my legs around his wasit. I hung onto him tightly as he kissed me. His lips trailed down my neck. I gasped. I never liked it. "Stop." I unwired my legs from him. "You did it again." "What?" I pulled away. "Every time I want to touch you or kiss you you pull away! We can never do anything because you always do that! Do you even love me?" "Yes you know I do. I just don't like it. I am sorry." "So am I. Am leaving." Josh grabbed his coat and stomped out. The door slammed shut. "Who is yelling?" Natalie came in wide eyed. "Josh." "Again? He always does." I sighed. He's no good for me but I love him anyways. I guess he's the only one who ever will love me so why change? No one else will. When someone else does and I love them back Josh will be out of the picture. "I am sorry Mady. He has issues." "I know." "Just break up with him." "No I can't." "Why?" "I love him." "That's not love." "Shut up." I sighed Natalie pulled me to a hug. We watched She's a man until we fell asleep.


I sighed. But a smile overcame my face. That used to be a sad memory. Now it's a point where I realize more and more I don't need Josh. Niall walked in. "Are you ready love?" "Always." I walked to him and pecked his cheek. "What's that for?" He smiled "For being you." He tangled our fingers.

At home!

"How's that?" "Perfect!" "Is that everything?" Niall asked "Nope! Where do you want to put this?" I held up a frame. "What's this?" "The day we all met. We all took a picture remember?" "Yeah. It was the day you met all the boys. That was a crazy night." "No kidding! Where shall we put it?" "Over here." Niall pointed at a shelve. I laid the picture in the corner as something grabbed my attention. "Is this?" I asked softly cutting my self off. "It was the day I asked you to be mine." "I forgot about this." "I look at it every day. I am not a fan of pictures but you look so beautiful I had too." "Well let's take another." "I look bad though." "Too bad." I grabbed his phone. "Say cheese!" We posed for a picture. We took hundreds. Silly faces, serious, good cop bad cop, cute, duck face, peace sighs, eyes of a tiger, kissing, dorky, and endless ones. "Send thoughs to me." I smiled "What's your screen saver right now?" I asked "Ireland's flag." "Oh." "What's yours?" "All of us together." "Oh." "Well I am going to get showered and ready ok. Did you text everyone?" "Yep. a Everyone answered with ok or we will be there." "Should I invite someone for Liam?" "Mady. You can make him fall in love." "I can try!" "No. I think he still needs some time." "Fine." I rolled my eyes. I ran up stairs to shower. The next time I am inviting someone for him.


Thanks for reading! I thought my update today was too short. So I made another. Double update!!! yay!!!


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