Chapter 22: Contract.

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Scarlett's POV

I saw Liam sweating.

Lydia was behind me. I could see she was confused.

I turned the knob and I opened it softly.

The sight was something I didn't expect.

Nathaniel was on the corner of the bathroom floor with a bewildered expression Maria had like some types of plants around her and she was doing a weird dance while a drunk couple were making out in the tub.

Maria was hitting Nathaniel with plants... Was that coriander? Anyway, and some incense was on her hand.

What the hell was she doing to Nathaniel?

" Excuse me what are you doing to MY husband? " I asked.

Nathaniel literally crawled towards me in a rush and stood up and hid behind me.

" Wife!" He squeaked out, he was petrified with the way he held onto me.

María, girl looked at me. " You put a spell on him and I'm trying to break it!" She hissed.

" Excuse me?" I asked dumbfounded.

" Nathaniel what is meaning of this?" His mother whispered.

While Maria kept dancing and hissing at me.

" I don't know she just asked me how I wanted her to behave and I told her to just be her... to stop clinging onto me... She then asked me to go to the garden with her and I... I did go...she tried to... to rape me...I told her I was a Mar- married man and... And she told m-me I had been casted... She promised she...she would break it.... And she tore some leaves from a tree...and... She...started after that...I went back... But she started chasin- ... I ran. I ran...I thought I had lost her so... so I came in face...when I turned around she was right there...there...I didn't even hear her come in... Can ... you... believe that?... she started to take..this..these weird things out of her purse... And she took this... whip thingy and started hitting me again... till I ended on the floor... I tried to get her off me... But then... Then she took coriander out magically... and star- started doing weird moves have you seen the movie the ring? She moved... like the girl all... all... weirdly? No, you haven't? You have, right? Well... she... made th- those moves and oh... When I- I. Looked... She had... Incense... She was...moving... it...around...Where did she...she even get that? ...I ended in... the corner and... you... Oh my god tha-nk you for sav... ing me-e, Scar...r...lett, I almost felt like she wo..uld take a... aa... vodoo doll out!"

"No, not yet! " María yelled.

Nathaniel started twitching his eye and he went pale, paler.

I have never seen him like that, he had never given a speech so long before.

I turned to the María girl and to my horror Nathaniel was right she was moving like the exorcist or something like that. I felt Nathaniel shaking.

His mom was left without words as well as Liam. The girl was coming closer to us and Nathaniel seemed to be pissing himself. I had the girl almost close to my face and out of pure terror I punched her. She fell to the floor and I saw her twitching; the girl gave a croaking sound the kind of sound the girl in the ring gave... And then she stayed still. I could feel Nathaniel passing out on me any moment.

" Liam can you take care of her?"

Liam gave me huge eyes full of horror.

" Before she wakes up and tries to uncast you as well." I said. He didn't think twice before running for security. Lydia seemed to be in trance.

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