Chapter 36: Sleeping pills

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I unlocked the front door and went in.

I couldn't believe Nathaniel had treated me like that..  I only tried to help him ... I guess he did tell me to stay out of his business...

I sniffed . With the cold I couldn't even think straight.

" Scarlett!" Toby screamed.

I walked towards his voice, to the living room. Eric and Toby were standing in the corner putting a Christmas tree.

I felt my face go pale.

" Come Scarlett help us! " Eric said.

" Do we let Nathaniel put the star on?" Toby asked while looking at the tree in awe.

I retreated to the wall.


" Scarlett MERRY CHRISTMAS! " Eric sang loud.

Merry christmas rang in my ears making me think that I preferred the humiliation with Nathaniel, 10 times better before remembering tomorrow was going to be Edward's death anniversary.
Edward. His name ripped my heart apart.

The pain started coming in waves, sinking me.

" Scarlett are you okay?" Eric asked.

They had Santa Claus hats...There smiles gone while they stared at my pale face.

" For dinner do you mind eating cereal! " I choked out.

Eric and Toby look at each other and before they said anything I hurried upstairs. I started breathing really hard and I turned to lock the door.

I needed to talk to someone, listen to music.....Flashbacks of Edward were coming hard, memories of him, Edward dead on the floor... I breathed hard...My phone.. I had left it in my purse, in Nathaniel's office... No.. I was not breathing hard anymore,  I was forgetting how to..

My breaths came in gasps and I felt like I would black out.

My heart was hammering inside my chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin. The room started to spin and I squatted on the floor. I was not in my room anymore I was living my 15th birthday again.

I tried closing my eyes in fear, in tears, trying to make everything go away so that my brain, heart and body could cope with it.

I felt so sick, like throwing up.

I wanted to call an ambulance but my phone was not with me. I couldn't remember anything anymore....  My lungs started closing, I was on the floor in a ball in a fetal position.

The room kept spinning, everything was flashing inside me and around me. I saw my room it was dark now or maybe it was just me. Something stood in the corner of my room crawling towards me. My breath was hitched...

Fear, I started feeling fear.

Why did you kill me Scarlett?  Why?
I felt myself stiffen in a fake cold.

It was my brother he was crawling towards me. He was leaving blood behind him.

I pressed my eyes closed.

" It's not real, it's no real." I said quietly.

I felt my lips go really dry. I started moving backwards, while I was on the floor.

My lips grew dry and I shivered.

I hit my drawer while I tried to get back to reality, something fell on me and I opened my eyes to see Edwards getting closer to me.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora