Chapter 87: Enemies till the end.

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I crumbled the paper in my hand.

"Nathaniel." I mumbled.

Alisson pressed her lips together. Ariana stood by the door.

"How could he find out?" Alisson asked.

Ariana walked closer to me, nervously. "It's my fault!" She said.

"During the party your father noticed me, he knew I wasn't supposed to be there he must have overheard me talk-"She stammered.

"Enough." I interrupted her.

Obviously Nathaniel and my father were working together but why?

Ariana looked down in shame.

What was I going to do now?..

Without those fifteen contracts I wouldn't be able to balance the company. I wouldn't get Hayden.

I needed to think.

"Leave!" I said to both.

"Scarlett." Alisson whispered.

"I need a moment alone!" I whispered.

"You're both free to go, see you tomorrow!" I whispered.

"Are you sure?" Alisson looked worried.

I stayed quiet. They both hesitated for a while but eventually they left.

I placed my head in both of my hands on the desk.

I wanted to sink on the floor and cry so badly. Why couldn't things go my way? Why did everything have to be taken away from me?

I looked down at my phone. I plugged it into the charger and I paced around the office.

How was I going to replace those fifteen deals?

I looked at the crumbled paper.

I now hated Nathaniel more than ever.

I sat on my desk again. I looked at the contracts I had now. The ones I've been working so hard so Cynthia can give Hayden to me.

I couldn't give up now, not after I've done so much.

I took a breath and then I let it out. I needed to calm down.

I looked around at everything on my desk. I couldn't give up now. I had to be strong. I can't sit and watch everything crumble, after I've done so much.

For Hayden.

What about Oliver, I thought.


What would I do if he never woke up?

I don't know, I answered myself painfully.

I read the paper again. I felt rage inside of me. What if Nathaniel went after my other deals?

I crumbled the paper again. If Nathaniel wanted to talk, I'd make sure it be the last talk!!

I looked at the clock. 4:00pm.

I breathed in heavily. I wouldn't have been able to hide anyway.

I looked down at my clothing. I guess I'll go like this. I grabbed my phone and I walked down. I stopped, got inside a taxi and it took me straight to Pierce's.

When I saw the company I was having second thoughts. I got down and the taxi guy left.

I can do this.

I realized I still had the crumbled paper in my hand. I gripped it harder. I stomped my way inside and nobody said anything, they all shot me looks of disbelief.

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