Chapter 61: Device

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Killian bit his lip and spoke.

" You heard the story of King of the City, Scarlett, you might remember Oliver telling you King of the City was part of a gang, a very important and dangerous one."

I frowned.

" What does that have to do with all this? Is everyone scared of this dangerous gang that disappeared a long time ago?" I asked slightly scared and confused.

" It's not the gang the police are scared of it's just the leader.... The police fear what King Racer and King of the City have!" Killian whispered so lowly, fearing someone would hear him.

"What? I don't understand?" I said frustrated.

Have? I have no shit! Police are scared? That's fucking new to me.

I was really confused.

" What do you mean by have? "

Killian looked at me.

"Remember Oliver telling you King of the City stole a motorcycle?"

I nodded.

"...Well. That motorcycle contained a device inside the engine! "

I bit my lip not understanding. A device?

" How would you know that?" I asked.

"25 years ago my grandfather hid that device in there!"

I was so nervous my heart started beating fast. If police were so scared of that device, it must be dangerous.

" What does that device do?" I asked scared.

Killian swallowed and for once I saw him scared.

" That device blocks electricity, hides your location or it can track anyone on the planet. It can turn security cameras on and off. If the Kings know something about business they can use it to hack bank accounts, any bank in the world. They could become rich and leave no trace behind!"

Killian swallowed.

" They could sabotage an election, if this person finds out how to use the device... Anything that encounters technology and electricity is in danger." Killian whispered.

Okay it is a very dangerous device.

I started sweating.

" Why would your grandfather be so stupid to hide something like that in a motorcycle? " I whispered nervously.

Killian glared at me and then he bit his lip nervously.

"...He thought it was a good hiding spot... He didn't want the device going into the wrong hands, only it did! "

Something was not right...

"Oliver said King of City stole a motorcycle cause he was in need of it, he wasn't even King of the City yet!" I yelled.

Killian shook his head.

"Oliver maybe got it wrong. From what my grandfather and father told me, King of the City used to race with motorcycles that other racers had; he would borrow them and then give them back... After becoming King of the City, he stole it."


Killian sighed.

" What we don't understand is how King of the City knew about the device." Killian said.

" Maybe one of his friends or family stole it. " I said hopefully.

Killian shook his head.

" Back then the device was being built by the same auction that we had months ago. CEO 2 and CEO 8... Your grandfather and mine built that device... They were the only ones who knew what it looked like and what that device was capable of.... They had even decided that they wouldn't show it to the rest of the CEO's."

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin