Chapter 35: Award

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24 of December 2024.
Guess whose been a CEO for nearly four days?

Guess whose been in bed sleeping around, resting?

I sighed good thing today we all would leave earlier.

" What do you think about the marketing? " Liam asked.

I snapped out of it.

" Yeah... I think it's good!" I said.

For last three days Liam has been doing his work in my office. I don't know what's going on with him, he follows me everywhere and brings me coffee all the time.

Liam smiled and started working.

After an hour I'm surprised towards Liam's silence. I stood up to stretch but he was really into his computer and earphones that he doesn't look at me. That grabbed my attention.

I walked around him and stood behind him.

I looked down at whatever he was looking at and I saw a girl taking her bra off...she had blonde hair and green eyes.

I swallowed in disgust.

I saw her getting naked and a man was starting to slide her panties off.

The girl unzipped the man's jeans...

I saw the computer slam shut... And Liam was looking at me with wide eyes and red cheeks.

I felt my face show disgust.

" I can's not what it looks like!" Liam choked out.

I felt a shiver in disgust.

I went back to my seat and Liam was still red and I was too.

" I'm sorry I didn't know you were watching that..." I whispered embarrased.

" Sorry I didn't mean to watch porn infront of you!" He whispered.

" I'm surprised you have to watch those things..." I stuttered.

Nathaniel's friends are playboys why would they need to see those things?

" I...I... You know to learn ideas... and all."

I frowned.. Ideas?

" What kind of ideas?" I asked innocently. Liam turned more red.

" You know positions and those things.." Liam whispered.

I was confused..

" Positions? " I asked more confused.

Liam starts changing colors.

" I.. You.. The way a man holds.... "

Bang...The door flew opened and shut.

Nathaniel stood in front of me.

" So it's true you've been playing with my position! " Nathaniel hissed.

I opened my mouth surprised, he was better, I felt happy. He looked so much better and his hair had some snow. His blue eyes pierced mine and his hair was everywhere.

Then the reason why he was here clicked into my brain.
" I didn't play! " I whispered mortified.

" Get off MY CHAIR NOW! Let me see the mess you've made!" He hissed.

He stood infront of me. I was terrorized.

" Nathaniel she didn't play! " Liam said. Liam stood up from the chair While trying to defend. He looked mad.

Mr. Ceo and Mrs. Street Racer Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang