Chapter 111: Ceo auction I

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My father's face was white within minutes. The people around him turned to look at the shattered glass.

Ana was immediately by my father's side and Marisa shot him a worried look.
My father fought Ana's grasp and as a moth attracted to a flame he walked towards us.

Ana looked at her husband walking off somewhere and finally her eyes landed on mine. She provided hate and rage at me, just like dad her gaze feel on Hayden and her eyes popped wide and all the color left her face, Marisa mirrored Ana's look. Marisa held incredulity.

Their actions weither I was surprised or not, it told me they had not known about Hayden. Hadn't they seen or read the newspaper?

My attention went back to my father who stood in front of my bodyguards who had closed their formation.

My father was whiter than anything else I had ever seen. He clutched his shoulder and pain flashed his features. He looked at Hayden and then to my bodyguards he took a step forward and a bodyguard placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let him."

Deep beneath I did want my father to meet Hayden. I have no clue on how to explain it but I wanted them to meet. Yes, I did fear him trying something but -

My bodyguards moved out of the way and my father stepped closer till he was in front of Hayden and me. My bodyguards closed once again their formation.

My father gripped his shoulder and his breath seemed to be caught. Hayden had his eyes glued to his grandfather. Hayden's eyes could see his green eyes reflected on other person that was not me.

I looked back to my father.

"Meet your grandfather Hayden!"

Hayden and my father's eyes popped wide.

"Hayden. " My father whispered.

My father's eyes searched mine for answers.

"By the look on your face I can tell you never knew about the existence of Edward's son." I said. I looked back to see Ana and Marisa hurrying up to us.

"But they did!"

My father followed my gaze and he looked in confusion and shock.

"Whatever she says she is lying!" Ana yelled. My bodyguards held them away when they tried to reach me.

My father turned back to see Hayden.

"Since when did you know?" My father hissed at them. His face turned red and he held shock.

Hayden look between all off us.

Ana's words were caught in her mouth and Marisa could only look at the floor.

When they did not provide answers my father turned back to me.

"I just found out myself so don't look at me like that!" I said.

"Where? When?" My father asked urgency in his voice.

I licked my lips looking down at Hayden only to discover he was glaring at Ana. I had never seen this look on him. He pointed a finger at her.

"She made my mom cry, she threw my mom and I out!" Hayden acussed.

Ana swallowed and could not take her eyes off Hayden. Marisa had a hard time not looking at him as well.

I heard alot of whispers around me. My father's face held horror and he covered his mouth. His face told me he was putting pieces together.

Hayden grabbed onto my hip and hid behind. "They are mean."

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