Chapter 108: Scarlett and Hayden❤️

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"What?" Nathaniel said with pure shock.

" Everyone please take your seat! This scene is a huge turn around. " I heard someone speak through the microphone.

"Never in my years had I seen someone give their spot up!"

I felt all the sounds turn down as well as all the shocked sounds and whispering.

I took a few steps towards Cynthia. I was shocked and I felt all the blood in my face.

"Oliver take my spot!" I whispered into the microphone.

The VIP zone was a few feet from the exit and before I knew it I had picked up the helmet and I was running towards Cynthia.

Oliver ran and met me halfway.

"What are you doing, this is part of your dream! I can go get-" Oliver said worried and shocked.

"Oliver!" I said and held onto one of his shoulders.

"Remember how you began racing in order to get mom!"

Oliver swallowed.

"This is similar."

"But this is your dream!" Oliver whispered with concern. I squeezed his shoulders.

I shook my head. "No Oliver, it's yours!" Oliver squeezed my arms. Soon Giovanni stood beside him and held a folder to me.

I quickly grabbed it and gave it to Oliver.
"I wanted to give you a surprise but I guess it has to be now!" I said and gave Oliver the folder.

Oliver opened it and quickly looked at me with huge surprise in his face. His features became very noticeable.

"This place is now yours, take care of it. " I whispered.

Oliver seemed to be out of words.

"I told you we would figure something out!" Oliver's eyes turned crystal.

"You don't have t-"

I pushed the helmet towards his chest.

"Win for me!" I gave him on last squeeze on his shoulder and I began running again. I needed Hayden more than racing.

"Giovanni stay with him!" I yelled out while I kept running.

I didn't make it far when Henry stopped me. Killian and Edgar next to him. They all looked beyond shocked.

"Scarlett, what are you doing?" Killian asked worriedly.

"We had a deal. I need that award!" Henry said with hurt and glossy eyes.

I felt so much hurry and guilty.

Quickly Edgar stood next to me holding the bag towards me.

I quickly grabbed it and pushed it towards Henry. He looked confused and quickly opened it. Once he took the picture and the trophy out his face turned pale

"I don't need to give you an award because your son did win one!" I said with a rush.

Henry's face became indescribable.

" I'm so sorry for not informing you before. I was so into getting a deal from you!"

He then gave me emotional eyes. His eyes sent out tears.

" Forgive me one day! " I said and began running again, Edgar behind me.

"I'm still signing a deal with you!" Henry yelled out with a cracked voice.

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