Chapter 106: Leave

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I could not believe my eyes. Killian's child was alive.

The girl turned around and looked at me. I instantly raised my finger to my lips asking her to keep silent...

I retreated while Kayla and Killian kept watching the video. I felt a knot in my throat. I was not ready to confront this, I had let Nathaniel go and this was something I had not been expecting.

My mouth felt sour.

I went out the door and I began walking away, my head going into a million of ideas a second.

No, this wasn't happening... Had this been Killian's secret?

I had no doubt.

I finally knew what Nathaniel had been going about.

I clenched my fists, I was feeling angry and then sad. It was late at night now and the wind was cold but it helped me to calm down.

I began walking around the halls of the place holding the folder in one hand. I couldn't figure out what to think or what I was going to do...

I was certainly not going to cry. I had told myself to not go to much into feelings and it didn't matter how many times I had to repeat that to myself I was still getting hurt. Killian hurt. Here I was.

Why hadn't Killian said anything about this? Why?

Why did he lie to me about Nathaniel looking for me?

Would he choose me?

Would he decide that he wants to try things with Kayla again?

If Nathaniel knew why didn't he say anything?

I began looking at the paintings and drawings a hall had. I looked at them while those questions haunted me.

I had not given Nathaniel a chance because of trust and Killian-

Don't think about it, I told myself.

Soon I began walking to what appeared to be an office. It was open so I went in.
It looked like it had been left alone a while. I looked around and soon I figured out it had been the last owner's office.

Distract yourself don't think, I repeated to myself.

I began looking at the pictures on the walls of the races that had taken place here. I found myself calming the fear, sadness and anger inside me.

Soon I stumbled upon a picture that had a name below.

"Gladius." I read.

My eyes popped open and soon I tore the picture of the wall and looked closely. It was Henry's child. Holding a trophy...

Soon I felt my blood run cold. Did Henry know his son had won an award?

I looked up from the picture and instantly dropped it when I found a showcase. Inside the showcase were several trophies but one name caught my attention.

I didn't need to win an award for Henry. His son had won one...

But how? Why hadn't this been on the news?

Therefore I was sure Henry wouldn't sign a deal with me.

I felt myself going pale. I had other matters that required more attention from me than my love life.

Have you forgotten you're here for Hayden? I asked myself.

If Killian leaves it will be perfect. Hayden needs someone that can give him full attention. I started convincing my head and my heart of that.

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