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He's gone, and I'm alone.

Finally some time to myself again.

I wish he'd let me out of his sight, his constant gaze or monitoring by his guards is suffocating me.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because I won't have to be here much longer. I can finally escape and go back to my old life. Although it wasn't the best, it's miles better than this hell hole, with him.

He forgot to pick up his phone this morning, and I did everything I could to make sure that happened. I distracted him and hid it behind some books I 'left' I in front of it.

I don't have much time. He'll realise he left it, and realise what I might do. I should be running, rushing, but I'm paralysed, I'm so scared, he'll find out and I don't want to know what he'll do to me because of it. Last time I tried to escape... I don't want to think about that.

Come on body! Move! Move! MOVE!!!

My body pounces at the phone and my shaking hands pick it up, I click 'emergency call' and dial 912, Fuck! It begins to ring, and my shaking hands drop the phone, cracking the screen, double fuck. He's going to be so ma- Stop! Focus! I hang up and dial again, by this time my fingers are shaking too, so I slowly dial so I don't screw it up again, 9....1.....1.... (call button) my legs are starting to weaken and my vision is blurring, I need to sit...

I stumble onto the couch and sit down, hunched over the phone, clutching onto for dear life... literally. I wait, minutes pass as I wait for someone to pick up. Minutes closer to him bursting through the door and-

'This is 911, what's your emergency?'

'I-I've been kidnapped, ple-please help me,'

'Where are you now?'

'I don't know, but I'm in an industrial area,'

'Sorry, what is your name and age?'

'I'm Sage... Sage Tierson, he's g-gonna be back soon, and I don't want to be here when he does...'

'I will send a unit right away, what is your kidnapper's name?'

'J-Ja-Snn M-McK-aii-an'

'Sorry Ma'am, I didn't quite get that,'

'It's- his name is... Jason McCann.'

gang leader's prisoner (18+)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα