1- Keys

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Welcome to my fifth book ♥️

Chapter not edited-

Started Typing On – 23/10/2018
Finished Typing On - 21/02/2019

Chapter 1- Keys


'I'm sorry Baba, I'm sorry Amma. I tried, I tried really hard to adjust to your decisions but couldn't. I tried to adjust into this new world of yours, where I'm getting pushed into. But I just couldn't. Now I realise I never wanted to, I kept denying it only for you both. I can't anymore, I want freedom. I want to live my life to the fullest.

My decision may hurt you but in the end I know you'd understand. I hope you do. Say sorry to Raghav from me.

Your, Siya.

It's been five months since she left her home. Five months since she saw, heard or spoke to her family. Even after five months she still thinks and worries about her family. Running away was never her plan, it was the circumstances who changed her. All her life Siya, the daughter of a school teacher and a housewife lived her life based on her parent's decision, AKA her fathers.

Only once, in her whole twenty six year of life she was granted her wish. To study abroad.

Siya loved attending school, she wasn't a nerd but the girl loved the concept of learning something new every day. Back when she was seventeen she begged her father day, night for his permission, all she wanted was to study in New York. The teenager just wanted to spend least three years outside of India to make her parents proud.

It's not that her parents didn't trust or understand her. They were just worried, sometimes too worried. She was too blunt, sometimes her words made them hit their head on the wall. She always ended up giving people unnecessary information. The thought of sending their, seventeen year old to another country send chills down her spine.

It was her brother who supported his little sister, he knew she'd make them proud one day. Seeing how determined she was and after hearing their son Viren's opinions they let the little bird out of the cage for three years.

"After you come back, we need to talk." Was her father's last words before seeing his daughter off.

The first few months were amazing in the new place. There she made new friends, even her first boyfriend. Harsh Verma.

The back than seventeen year old Harsh talked a lot but was really bad in explaining what he felt for anyone. She liked that. She liked his shyness, his attitude, and his goals for life. Moreover, she just liked Harsh to the fullest.

SIya felt guilty. She was hiding all this from her father, mother and even her brother. But she wanted experience. She didn't want to die on her death bed thinking, 'Oh I never had a boyfriend, oh I never did sky diving.' She wanted to experience it all.

Although Harsh and Siya were dating for nearly a year, they were never intimate. Both knew their limits in fact, they behaved more like friends then actual couple. Harsh never got possessive about her in any way. She spent time equally with her other friends including male, she hugged them, went out for lunch with them, all this time Harsh didn't have any problems.

Back then she liked how he never interfered in her life.

Now when she thinks about it, he never cared. He was never possessive because he never loved her to feel insecure in any way.

"Siya, in my cabin now." Her thoughts were broken from her boss, Harsh's voice.

That's right, she was working for her old friend, ex-boyfriend Harsh. Running away from her house on her wedding day she shifted to Delhi hunting for a job. Fortunately or unfortunately her luck brought her into the Verma's door.

Standing up from her chair, taking her notebook in her hand she walked into Harsh's office. Smiling at him she greeted, "Hello Har—Mr Verma." Siya changed her sentence mid-way remembering Rahul's lecture from last time. It was just hard for her to be professional around her old friend.

"Siya, thank god Rahul isn't here." Harsh chuckled looking back at his laptop screen. "I want you to check these designs and see if they match our customer's requirement. If you need any help do ask Rahul, he'll come in handy." His tone was serious now, showing no more of the funny chilled out Harsh.

"Ok" Walking up to his desk she took the file. Turning around Siya was walking away but stopped mid-way. "When do I need to give this back to you?"

Looking at his wrist watch he said, "Tomorrow morning. Sharp 9 AM."

Nodding she walked away into her cabin.


"When are you getting married Rahul? You're aging!" He heard his mother's concerned voice. For the past three years she's been nagging him about marriage.

"Ma, I'm not fifty two! I'm only twenty seven for god sake! I don't want to get married ok?" there were very less time when he Rahul argued with his widow mum but whenever he did, it was always about marriage.

"She married Rahul, it's not right son." He dropped his pen down closing his eyes sighing deeply at his mother's words. "You're hurting yourself, me and even her. She wants her best friend happy Rahul."

Holding the phone tightly against his ear he replied, "I-I am happy Ma." He wanted to sound strong but his voice came out as a whisper. Hearing a sigh from the other side he spoke, "She was my first love Ma. A-and still is. I think." He wasn't sure whether he still loved Khushi or not.

He cared about her. He really admired her but he didn't want to accept that fact that he doesn't love her anymore. Because he himself wasn't sure, Rahul just wanted to stay in his own little world of his imagination, his dreams which were real over there. One thing he was sure about was, he didn't like any other girl at the moment, which means he still probably likes Khushi.

"Even if you like her, move on Rahul! I'm getting old day by day! I like Sakshi's daughter. Remember Esha? She's beautiful, just completed her stud--"

"Ma she's like twenty two! I'm five years older!" He nearly yelled but lowered his voice earning a glare from his co-worker Varun who just came back from a short break. Mouthing a little sorry he noticed the pen still on the ground, bending down he picked it up noticing the ink running out.

"Age doesn't matter. Your father was seven years older than me!"

"There you go, you just accepted the fact that age doesn't matter! Now stop annoying me and let me work ma. Ok bye, I love you." It was very rare when he said I love you to anyone, even his mother. Since five years ago he started taking care of her even more after his father's death. Every time he had an argument with his mother over the phone he'll say a little 'I love you' to calm her down.

"Aunty is after you for serious business." Varun chuckled hitting Rahul's arm playfully. Rolling his eyes at Varun he threw the pen away.

"She sure is." He muttered, his gaze travelling across the room but stopping on Siya looking worried looking down at the table inside her glass office.

Rahul was a typical good boy who had everything. A good job which paid him enough to feed himself and his mother, some money left for saving. Real friends, his own house, no drinking habits yet the key to his heart was missing.

Rahul's heart was locked by one person, Khushi. For years he had dreamed of marrying her but it all came crashing down once again. He always lived in his dream while she was handed over to another man.

This key's lost Ma. I don't think I'll find the key to open this broke heart ever again.

Key To Their Hearts

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