88 - 'Kaash hum chaar hote'

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Started Typing On – 19/12/2020

Chapter 88 – 'Kaash hum chaar hote'

It's the next day. A Wednesday. Siya runs from the kitchen with a tray with three cups of hot tea.

Typed Again On – 20/12/2020

Rohan semi-glares at her. "Why are you running? We've got time." They have one hour left, which sounds enough but considering the traffic they'll find during this time in the morning, it's not enough. They're both aware of this.

Siya passes her mother-in-law the tea first, then Rohan and then herself after sitting to his right. He sat on the head chair of the dining table.

Ridhi starts talking about the neighbour's family shifting to another city when Rohan respectfully interrupts his mother, "Ma, Siya will be busy from three till six every Saturday." He frankly informs, finding nothing major in this.

Her eye glance at Siya, lifting a brow, asking her daughter-in-law the reason. "Why? I thought Siya's working only until twelve on Saturdays, no?" Eyes roam back and forth from her son to Siya.

"Yeah, but she's joining dance classes. Our colleague, Mary—and Siya's close friend—her sister-in-law owns the studio. The classes Siya's taking are only on Saturdays." He eyes Siya for confirmation, in case he misunderstood their conversation last night and missed something important.

Siya nods, to which Rohan bows his head too, gladly. "Bu—but," Ridhi pauses. Unaware of how to process this new piece of information. She watches Siya, questioning why this is necessary. The daughter-in-law shuffles uncomfortably in her chair. Her husband notices.

"But what Ma?" He prompts.

"What's the—why is this important? Dance? At this age?" She makes a face.

Siya's face pales. "Ma, Siya's not fifty or above like you, not that that matters bu—"

"I'm not fifty or above," her cheeks read. "I had you at twenty, Rohan!" If Varun was here he'd laugh because she's flustered at being mistaken for a fifty year old woman or above, but not the main issue.

"Not the point," he waves her of, taking few sips of the warm tea. "She wants to dan—"

"Why?" She demands Siya for an answer. Genuinely confused.

His wife looks visibly uncomfortable and regrets even speaking to Rohan about this last night. "Ma, why're you asking her? It's my decision." He seething now.

"You just said she likes danc—"

"Stop talking as if Siya's not here, Ma." He rests his tea cup on the table and bites his toast. "I figured she's always home doing chores or shopping for the house after work, why not do something different? She's passionate about dance so I sugg—"

"You suggested? Without consulting me?" Ridhi wraths, unhappy. Her eyes hold strong distaste and disappointment.

Rohan raises a challenging eyebrow, lets go of his toast and rests his elbows on the table. Hands clasped. "Consult? Ma, I'm not selling this hous—"

"You wouldn't dare!" Her voice raises achingly high. Rohan winces, Siya starts to pick up the plates. As her hand moves to Ridhi's plate, her mother-in-law pulls it back.

"Ma," He warns. The action—of his mother pulling the plate back—was painful to watch and disrespectful, as if she didn't like Siya at all. As if he married her without his mother's consent. "First of all, it was an example. Secondly, what I meant was, it's a mere decision. I'm an adult, we're an adult," he gestures to himself and Siya. "It's nothing major."

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