53- The Promising Kiss

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Typed On – 07/12/2019

Chapter 53- The Promising Kiss

Peering outside her kitchen window Siya's mouth turns into a shallow thin line. Above in the endless sky she can see the charcoal colour blanketing with no trace of orange or yellow left. It isn't that late but at the same time, it was. She has no problem with her friends staying over but where would they sleep? Siya doesn't have any spare bedsheets or blankets. The couch could have been useful but her living room light is still gone.

Taking the tray with tea cups Siya walks inside her bedroom where her friends shifted after she mortifyingly told them about the bulb. Inside her room Mary sat in Indian style on the bed respectfully gazing into Payal's phone. On the other side, Payal laid on her stomach as if it was her own bedroom, her own room, forgetting this was her first visit here.

Siya clears her throat at the girls before placing the tray on the bed and hops into the edge of the bed. "Siya," Mary says, her eyes and voice lacing with doubt. "Either change the curtains or shift your bed's head in the corner. Away from the bedroom window."

Siya's bed is taking most of the space in the small bedroom. When she wakes up, to her left was the window, most of the times the curtain would be flying into it's own tune due to the wind coming throw the open window.

Payal sits up straight, closing her phone. "Why?" She picks up her tea, blows a little before sipping it and gives Siya thumbs up in appreciation. "I quite like the bed here, the wind blows onto my face. I'd love to have my bed by the window."

Siya nods. "Same. That's why I—"

Typed Again On – 08/12/2019

An anguish sigh erupts from Mary. "No. Change it, I don't like it here. It's like—I just feel so uncomfortable having to imagine anyone could be standing outside and peering through the little hole in the curtain. Don't you feel it?" Siya lifts her head, puzzled. "The uneasiness?"

Her shoulders roll up before abruptly shrugging. She looks at the curtain before getting up and closing the window making Payal groan. "I don't give it much thought. If I did I'd be freaking out every night. To be honest it never crossed my mind in this particular way."

"Well you should have." Mary gives herself a nod in determination, believing she's right. "Doesn't Rohan have a problem with you living here?" Her awoke eyes drift across the small bedroom before bringing it back on Siya, capturing her facial expressions inside her eyes.

Siya starts scratching the back of her neck before averting her gaze. "He does. He doesn't leave any opportunity to change my mind and convince me to move somewhere else but this place is affordable." Her voice is quiet, slightly ashamed to admit it.

"Good thing the rents monthly and not weekly otherwise half of the population would be living on the str—"

"John's going to pick us up in a couple of minutes." Mary says gazing at her phone with flicking her eyes back at her friends. "Shall we shift this bed around, I'm guessing it'll be better with two extra pairs of hands rather than one?" She smiles her normal joyful smile at Siya after so long. It made Siya feel good. Wanted. And needed.

"Of course."

"I'm sure you two are strong enough to do it by yourself. I won't be much help anyw—"

"Shut up and help Payal. That's up to Siya and I to decide whether you were helpful or not." The girls giggle before the three of them start changing the direction of the bed. Payal quickly moves the tea tray before they begin with their work.

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