54- Telescope

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Typed On – 13/12/2019

Chapter 54 - Telescope

"Judging by your Ma's behaviour I presumed she wanted you married. Or still does. Don't you think?" Rohan nearly spat out his coke from the accuracy of Siya's wisdom statement. He flips his head in her direction and passes an awkward cheesy smile. The one where he hoped she'd let it slid.

He wipes the access coke from his lips from the back of his hand before speaking. "Don't know," but it sounds forced.

Siya purses her lips into a one thin grime line. They were walking in the nearby park after deciding the movie they chose to watch wasn't as great as they imagined. She sipped into her own coke from the straw, watching him from the corner of her suspicious eyes. But he has that profile.

They've been together for quite some time now, and it's always Rohan asking her questions about herself but hardly other way round. He says—and have said it many times—how much he likes her but never answers questions about himself. It made her rather curious.

"Why didn't you have a girlfriend again? I forgot the rea—"

"How's that little boy? The one I met. What was his name, again?" He cuts her off smartly.

Annoyed but she still manages to answer, "Saif. And I think he's good. I haven't seen him around since yesterday." She stirs her straw around the coke, lost in inside her head. 'Bad,' Saif had said. "Do you think some kids often lie?"

Rohan glances at her, puzzled. "Why'd you ask that?" She shrugs. Seeing the lack of elaboration Rohan decides to ask after intertwining his fingers with hers, giving it a little tug of promise. "I don't think so but, I guess, it kind of depends. Person to person. Some kids are bratty so they often use lies to get whatever they want and some are just—I don't know, just, brought up right? Like those sincere people. Don't know much about kids."

Siya's smirks at Rohan arrogantly, "I bet kids are afraid of you, that's why your sentence finished off like that."

He scoffs. "Actually, to be honest, I'm scared of kids. They're just, tiny creatures. And I don't know how to deal with someone who'd probably say anything. You know, like, ask any kind of question without knowing the depth of it. Trust me, I've been asked hideous questions by little five year olds in my society."

Siya smiles at him, her eyes looking down at her moving feet. Feeling free for once and all. So giraffe has encountered minions. "Tell me some of the 'hideous questions,'"

He scratches his head, letting go of her hand and she instantly misses the warmth pulsing through him. "Let me think, uhh, the most common. 'Why wasn't I invited into my parents wedding?' Or, 'I want a siblings,' as if raising them up is as easy as shaking hands. This boy asked me, I think his name was Arun, around seven or eight, he's like, 'why don't you have a kid?'"

"Did you answer his question?" Siya asks after laughing for a good few minutes. She did earn a glare from him.

"Well, uhh, this is awkward. His question was kinda odd. I told him I'm not married so he asks, 'but you can still have a baby,' what he basically wanted to know, why it's always females being pregnant and not the male."

Siya burst out laughing, her coke splashing around the glass bottle, some spilling on the footpath too and she jumps a little when it hits her feet. Covering her mouth with her hands she looks at a fairly annoyed Rohan watching her. "I'm so-sorry. I can't imagine you giving him a biology lesson."

He rolls his eyes, gulping the remaining coke. "I told him to ask his parents. I mean, I'm not entitled to answer his questions."

"You could have given him the basic answer, 'you'll know when you grow up,' and that's enou—"

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