17- 'Nicer Version Of Rahul

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This is a small update, sorry I couldn't add more since I'm still a little sick. And also, I know this story Isn't interesting so sorry.  I'm trying to make it worth reading for you guys though.

Started Typing On – 22/05/2019

Chapter 17- 'Nicer Version Of Rahul

Author's Pov:

A day left for Mary's birthday party and Siya still has no clue on what to gift the Christian women. She didn't have a credit card to online shop—not that it'll help since the shipping could take days or sometimes weeks—so, dropping the –not-so-smart-idea— she decides to look around the shops close to her house once leaving work.

The clock hits six, declaring her freedom and she jumps up from her seat, ready to walk out the door but stops hearing her name being called from behind. Yelled from behind. Whirling extra slowly, hoping she could disappear just before coming face to face with one of the Verma brothers. Don't give me extra work today. Not today. But that praying and panicky expression vanishes coming face-to-face with Mary and another girl beside her.

Mary approaches with her goofy smile lingering on her lips, unlike before, this time someone was accompanying her. The girl—women beside her kept blabbering, not being aware that now Siya could hear her as well. Lost in her gossip? Think so.

"And my mum was tempted to hit green tick on his profile but thankful I snatched the phone out of her grip on time." She let out a huge breath in relief which showed through her face, completely relaxing. "Never thought through shaadi.com I'd find a colleague. I still can't get over it, Mary. Supposedly imagine my mum ended up texting him, god knows how I'd have faced him. Yug Sir would most likely seen my resign on his desk the next morning." She huffs and raises her hand in the air to show how freaked out she was.

And Siya was hundred percent sure the women was definitely panicky.

"Hey," Mary completely ignores the women's rambling and faces Siya fully, drawing the other female's attention to Siya. "All good?" Siya nods at her question, worried something frantic might slip from the corner of her mouth creating a stir.

The women waited for Mary to introduce Siya to her but Mary was too busy taking something out of her purse, the women didn't want to look like a third-wheel which is why she finally spoke to Siya, "I'm Payal." Payal's hand extends and Siya drops her gaze at the hand before hesitantly taking hers away from the bag strap and giving it into the shake.

"Siya." Payal smiles at her and let's go of the connected hands after a second. Nobody speaks. Minutes pass, the three ladies just stand in the middle of the building as if waiting for the other person to start a conversation. The approach wasn't as hard as they had created the atmosphere with their silence.

Every time Siya caught any of their gaze on her she passed a smile. Not her usual –polite-and-happy-smile- but the type where she's trying to look normal and causal but it comes out awfully dull and awkward with only the corner of her mouth twitching up. It wasn't a full-heart smile. Siya's eyes silently pleading to no one to just let her go rather than stand here and let her bus drive away without her.

After what feels like eternity, Siya starts of by saying "I-I have to catch a bu--" And just then Mary says,

"Do you want to come with u--" They both drop into dead silence and Payal can't help but burst out laughing at the other two's flushed faces. One was offering a ride and the other was giving the answer without even hearing the question. Siya and Mary both broke into a chuckle.

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