86 - 'I Was A Want'

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Started Typing On - 17/07/2020

Chapter 86 - 'I Was A Want'

A moment of silence. Because one's afraid of the outcome, the other is guilty, one disturbed and one a mixture of all the above.

Could his best friend and mother really stoop this low? Perhaps. It makes Rohan cringe. God, how many poor young women have they messaged? And what? He doesn't want to know. The answer will only anger him.

Siya's darting her eyes from her mother-in-law to her friend, Varun. "I don—" but something clicks in her head. Therefore, she let's go of whatever she anticipated on saying out loud. Rohan is unhappy. A little disturbed with the revolution.

He glances at Siya, to get a quick view of her expressions but instead holds the eye-contact. He observes a swallow, an assuring blink of her mesmerizing eyes, as if communicating with him through it. Her hand, the wedding ring shining underneath the yellowish light gently moves, like patting a dog.

Telling him to calm down. Silently.

Rohan breathes out a harsh breath. His face red, cheeks hollow as the pressure builds and hands fisted, the knuckles going white. His stiff shoulders roll as if warming his body up before an intense workout or fight.

"This is so," he pauses. Unable to frame his words properly. Teeth gritted. Lips shut. And eyes closed. "I don't even know what to say."

Typed Again On – 27/11/2020

Varun scowls. Rohan glares at him. He had no right to scowl. He's the main cause of this. "You need to look at the bright side, my dear-old friend." His confidence—his casual tone—the tone he uses when joking or giving the obvious advice, irked Rohan. How can he?

He's asking for death, oh my god. Varun was and is worse compared to his wife's chatty mouth sometimes. Siya jumps into position and pulls at Rohan's arm. She's gazing at her much taller husband's eyes, forcing him to look back. He doesn't. So she stares, good and hard, and lightens her hold on his arm.

Rohan looks. "Can you believe this Siya? This jerk has the audacity to say this." He's infuriated with his best friend's lack of seriousness to the situation. 

Typed Again On - 07/12/2020

"Yes, I know Rohan." Siya shoots Varun a dagger, a look suggesting him to tone it down. Advising the guest to use his brain for once and dodge the bullet her husband's dying to fire. "Varun, I can't believe you did this." And as his mouth began to open defensively, she turns to her mother-in-law, "I can't believe this. Rohan's say matters in this. How can you two take such a huge decision for him?" 

Siya's being cautious with her tone. She has to sound serious but not-too-serious too, because if she's not handling this well, her angry husband will most likely say something he regrets and cause damage. To others feelings and relationships. 

It seems to work because Rohan's breathing is much lighter. He exhales deeply and rubs his face.    "Varun, go home." Is all a drained Bhatt voices out before stepping into his bedroom, slamming the door shut.  

Varun's playfulness and the hint of terror vanishes in thin air. He's reconsidering his mischievous acts, especially this. "Siya," he mutters, hopelessly. She turns away from him. He shifts his gaze to Ridhi and scowls, "It's all her fault. Aunty started this, I only helped because I wanted good for my friend." As if to cheer Siya up or win her trust back, he mumbles without thinking, "These old ladies are big trouble. No wonder they're twenty-four-seven insecure of being kicked ou-" 

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