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Started Typing On – 02/04/2020

Chapter 70- Bonding

Siya stumbles upon her words. "W-who City b—" her brothers forward and reckless smile makes her pause short-way. She squints shockingly. "Did you go through my bag?" The question was direct.

He rolls his shoulders back and relaxes them down releasing the tiredness. Unbothered by the accusation hanging over his head. He gives her a roguery grin and pushes her to carry on talking. Siya folds her arms in front of her brother and sulks. "Ugh, fine." He raises his hand in surrender. "I didn't actually go through your bag to be frank. I was walking out of the house and spotted your bag on the ground with few pictures and a letter. Now, explain, who's this City boy Rohan?"

His eyes twinkling for gossip. Viren was a serious guy when it comes to his sister related to men but he feels maybe he's been too overboard with his protective behaviour in the past? Maybe because he shielded her from many things is the cause she wanted to taste adventures on her own.

He can see she's not the same. She doesn't talk as much as before—even if she does her smiles are forced and unreal. If his easy going personality can somehow help her feel the comfort and loved, then so be it.

Siya rolls her eyes, annoyed—one again—hearing Rohan being addressed as a boy. "He's, like—what? Two and a half years younger than you. If he's a boy, so are you." She shoves her knuckle into his chest and pushes him back. Offended but playfully cheerful too.

"Do I see your fat nose going red, sister?" Viren dramatically exclaims pointing at her red face.

She shits him with her perfectly okay hand. Her mouth lifts up unpleasingly. "My nose isn't fat. I'm sure you're talking about your potato like nose. God, who'd marry you." She grumbles pinching his arm and he hisses moving away from her.

"A fairy. You'll probably die seeing someone so gorgeous, unlike your poker donkey like face." He chuckles deeply running away—towards the land—from Siya as she starts to chase her brother into submission. "Forget it—you haven't seen a fairy before be—because you'll scare it awa---SIYA!" He screams with a slight laughter dodging her aching hand to hold onto him and falls on his knee. Nothing but laughter.

She heaves a breath and kneels down in front of him catching her breath. "You're a moron." She confesses, her face exhausted from all the running. She's all smile though.

He looks into her eyes and they shimmer with longing. Siya whispers a small faint 'brother' causing him to blink away the tension. "I missed this." He owns up to his feelings. His eyes move away from hers, watching the beautiful nature around them. "You know, for the first few days—turned into weeks and then months—I'd have this massive lump in my throat—blocking access for my voice to come through—just imagining—wishing where you would be. How you would be."

The silence drifts between then but it wasn't unexpected or uncomfortable it was rather much needed seeing they both were pretending as if life's as smooth as butter. Siya shudders. It rests deep in her stomach realizing how much trouble she's caused. "I'm sorry."

He clicks his tongue in disappointment. "I'm upset finding out you're apologising for running away." She flicks him a quizzical look flashing in her face. He returns with a persistent one. "Sure, that's one of the major problem relating to our concerns but don't apologise for wanting to live a life we couldn't offer you. A life you chose for yourself. You should apologise for being so foolish and careless. For not considering talking to Baba, or Ma, or me. I thought we were close, Choti." (Little one) His voice thicker than blood. Sadness covering his features.

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