61- The Jeans

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I felt better in terms of writing, so here it is, as promised. And I realised I'm not good with taking breaks.

Started Typing On – 27/01/2020

Chapter 61- The Jeans

"Stalked?" Rohan says it with ease to swallow the newly revealed information in. Why'd someone stalk his girlfriend? She isn't harmful in any angle or someone you'd get something in return from. It didn't make sense. Nothing that could solve the puzzle.

His features were so different to the ones Siya was yearning to catch a sight of. Sight to get some ideas, just anything, little or small to understand—to get inside his head—and narrow down his perspective.

Rohan leans back onto the sofa, breaths normally—like everything's fine, going wonderfully—and his left cheek gets slightly lifted from the pressure of his tongue. He was thinking. Deeply.

This is the exact same expressions and posture he first gave Siya in their meeting room. He'd think so much, so much but wouldn't show any stress hovering on his temple. He was a hider. She wouldn't admit it but at times it was a much needed quality she wanted, but today, she irks it.

"Talk? Please?" Comes the impatient women's voice, fidgeting her leg around in anxiety. Her weight shifting from one foot to another.

He leans forward, his elbows slumped on his knees, giving him a strict businessmen stance. "Stalked? Why do you think you're being stalked? What gave you that idea?" So calm. So light on his mouth. So unexpected. He didn't sound panicky or raging at all.

Unlike her.

What was going on?

So she tells him everything.

Typed Again On – 23/03/2020

From start to finish, her eyes don't blink for the slightest second and her face doesn't dissolve into anything but pure and raw terror. A few red alarms also follow by when she starts to choke on her words from the lack of breath and water.

Rohan first starts to run his hand on her back and squeeze on her shoulder to calm down her pulses but seeing it had no effect he rushes to the kitchen and fetches for some water. Siya continues to cough but keeps on uttering every little thing she remembers.

She sounds uncertain of who could be doing this—which may result to Rohan's lack of trust on her story but the petrified expression saves her into a believable story. "Siya just drink this," he kneels down in front of her and hands her a glass of cold water.

His brown eyes breaks in warn and unblinkable and expose the wetness of his eyes. He's not crying. Far from it, but the concern gives this new form of gentleness. It won't take anyone more than a minute to guess he's in love with this women.

"Yo-y-you do-don't u-u-un-unde—" she's holding the glass firmly—dying to taste of tasteless yet desiring water—but keeps on talking as if to make a much more powerful point. Like her speaking the truth would get her out of this mess. Her eyes burn with fresh hot tears sliding down her cheeks from the lack of breath and energy being drawing out of her.

"Siya just drink." He roars, patience hanging loosely. His palms feel rough around her hand as he wraps it around the glass frame and brings it to her lips. "Drink it and then talk. I'm all ears."

Before he wasn't. Now, undoubtedly he is.

It's astonishing to see the lady sitting in front of him who was so restless to speak a few seconds ago—ignoring her lack of breath and coughs—was now slowly drinking all the water. Not even one drop of water was left.

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