71 - 'Stay Away From Siya'

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Started Typing On – 02/04/2020

Chapter 71- 'Stay Away From Siya'

She's been home. Living under her parent's roof for one and a half month now. Six whole weeks have passed since she's left her life back in Delhi. Raghav hasn't stepped into her house after that day. He sees her around buying groceries sometimes and gives her a murderous look or tries to make her feel pathetic other than that nothing has been major.

Her father hasn't returned her photo with Rohan. Siya wanted to keep it with herself. She wanted to ask her father to hand it back or what he's done with it, surely he wouldn't keep it, would he? But she thought better of it seeing her father hasn't mentioned about the photograph or the man inside it.

This doesn't mean she doesn't feel sad not having it with her.

Her relationship with her father was—odd. He was distant but not as distant she might have prepared herself for. That day, when she returned home in fear of another heated argument—which never occurred—he just made her sit on the chair once again and treated her wounds carefully. Every time she drew back in pain his face would turn grimace for his child.

"So, did you go to Sharma uncle's house?" Siya questions. Her mouth chewing her roti but eyes directed on her brother. Give away something.

Typed Again On – 03/04/2020

Viren sneers. "Pass me another roti," Siya places one on his plate and sees how annoyingly he ignores the question.

Though Siya's family lives in a village they're certainly better and perhaps even higher class in terms of lifestyle. Mr Joshi was sure about one thing which was, not getting his children married at the ages around twenty till twenty two. He thought it was too young.

Though Siya had been way past that age limit, which was surprising because her marriage was fixed when she was twenty-five and a half. Fairly late for a village girl but she had been successful at dodging the marriage topic for the longest run before it crawled back to her. So she ran away just a few months after her twenty-sixth birthday.

Now she'll be twenty-seven very soon.

Her brother—being a boy gave him some benefits of maybe two years delay on his marriage. At first he wanted to stand up on his own feet to be able to offer his spouse enough, later on it was the diverted attention to Siya's marriage, then she ran away and after that—after that he didn't want to marry without her presence.

Viren had asked Mr Sharma's youngest daughter out of the four sister's hand in marriage few years ago—he was around twenty-eight or twenty-seven—this was around the time Siya's marriage preparations were going on. But it didn't go well because A, Chaaya was only twenty at the time. Her father thought it was too young for her marriage, also, considering her elder sister—the third one—was still unmarried. How could the younger sister wed of first?

And B, Mr Joshi didn't like the idea of two weddings in the same family all at once. He wanted to enjoy both his children's weddings in different timings.

Now Chaaya is twenty-two and, well, Viren thirty. He's not sure if Chaaya's father would be willing to wed his daughter into a family who'd own child ran away.

"But Chaaya is older now." That much Siya knew.

Her father hums. "I didn't see Sharma around. Maybe I'll see him around today and start the conversation." He considers it thoughtfully.

"I want Viren married this year." Their mother says.

Viren makes a face. "Yeah, like the brides running to our house in her bridal wear ready to take the vows with me." His sarcastic comment makes Siya laugh but she zips up her mouth from the glare she received from her brother and mother. "And for your information, I just turned thirty. Not thirty-one."

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