5- Outbursts Are Needed Sometimes

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You can imagine Siya and Rahul as whoever you want. I couldn't think of anyone better than Sanaya Irani and Barun Sobti

Do you like them as Siya and Rahul? Let me know please because then I'll add their gifs in future.

Started Typing On – 10/04/2019
Started ReTyping On – 12/04/2019

Chapter 5- Outbursts Are Needed Sometimes 

Author's Pov:

Siya keeps an eye on her shirt the whole day to avoid unwanted attention or gossips flowing around her. She knew her shirt was torn, as bad as it sounds, she didn't have any other option then to go along with this shirt. Why can't the sun show up more? She groans seeing the pouring rain outside, again. Her wet shirts still won't be drying anytime soon. Her last month salary paid by Yug flew away—because he's the owner of the company—within a second. This time she had promised herself to be careful with her spending's.

Pay the rent first. Then the electricity, buy some food and get new shirts. It leaves me around two thousand left. She puts her pinky finger in between her teeth and chews on them. I won't send any money to the school this month. The problem was she never had any spare notes left. Only around five hundred and busses could be expensive and so could a good pair of shoes or heel if current ones were broken. Having money was important for everyone but sometimes because of Mother Nature girls need some spare cash the most.

Siya decided to save up the money this month and think about sending some money over to the school in the Village some other time. She flipped her notebook close and started moving the mouse around and clicking into an Email Harsh had sent.

Rahul won't tell anyone about the house, right? The question was so powerful and impactful that she raised her natural lashes up and tilted her face to the left to see Rahul reading a report, his fingers touching the white paper with black ink all over it and then he looks at the screen and types away something. No. He won't, he minds his own business.

She doesn't hate him or like him but she appreciates his professionalism and character. He's always well prepared with every document needed, his white shirts are never wrinkled up, always crisp clean and his aura was so professional as if he's made for working inside an office. And a major plus point, he minded his own business. Just like her.

Siya diverts away from the well-maintained bearded man and looks at her screen. Yawning and rapidly blinking her tired eyes she tried to keep herself awoke. "Coffee, no sugar." She puts her hand onto her mouth yawning again and sees Harsh placing the coffee by her computer. She gazed at the coffee with happiness and longing to taste it but looks around to see some people watching.

"Har—Sir," She composes her posture, standing up she picks up a random file and holds the hot coffee into her palms. "I need you to check this file, please." Her voice comes out panicky. Harsh, standing in front of her looks at her with a raised eyebrow, wondering what the hell was wrong with her all of a sudden. Not wanting to create a scene he nods gesturing her to follow him into his office.

Having the problem—random problem of someone seeing her emails or read the article she might have searched, she was a private person. Hated crowd. Hated attention—she existed every tab opened on her computer and hurries behind Harsh. In process of lifting her eyes from her desk to Harsh's leaving form she catches Rahul looking at his boss and co-worker with a suspicious look. His deep brown eyes peering into hers to intimidate the short girl.

She wasn't too short but short enough for the tall Rahul. She passes Rahul her best possible smile, politely moving away from everyone's gaze. Once both the ex's reach into his office, he spins around once she closes the door. "You don't want me to reread the same file again, am I correct?" Harsh takes a sip of his warm coffee standing straight.

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