4 - Value Of Money

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Started Typing On – 09/04/2019 (7.46 PM)

Chapter 4- Value Of Money

Author's Pov:

"Live alone? Here?" Rahul snarled not caring how his vocal attitude could hurt the girl. She was in the mid of shaking her head at him but stopped and raised her eyebrow at him. Yes, the house isn't perfect, it's nowhere near perfect. The water doesn't work twenty-four seven, it's too small and the people living around aren't the best because of alcoholics but the disgust in his face for this house and the fact that she lives brought her off track.

Least I'm living independently and paying my own bills. "Yes, I live here." There were very less unfortunate time when Siya lost her temper, even she hates the house but at least she has a roof. Rahul composed himself biting onto his tongue hard to keep himself from saying anything. She moved the flash away from his face a little and muttered, "The light works in the room, please come there."

He already felt so restless in this house. It was dark, god knows if a mouse was running past him he wouldn't even realise. Sighing and accepting how wrong he did by coming here he gestures her to lead the way. The flash turned off once she saw the light of her room in display. She moved the pillow aside for them to have space to sit on the bed. Rahul's eyes become big and he closes the, for a second.

"Got a chair?" Yes but my clothes are on it. Siya felt beyond humiliated with her own self and embarrassed to the core. She didn't know how to admit that she had only one chair. It wasn't her fault. Her salary wasn't the best to maintain a standard but whatever she got she sent away some of it anonymously to her father's school to help the children with stationary. She loved her family, they let her study in New York, let her discover herself but she's very aware of how displeased they must be with her. After all, she ran away because she didn't wanted to get married. And in a way of paying the guilt of her small shoulders she started sending money over to help.

Siya had no room to invest on furniture. "Umm, no." Because I have my clothes on them. She just eyed the small bed and him, pleading him to just manage as long as it takes them to finish this off. Should I offer him tea? He came all the way to help me. She parted her lips to ask whether he wanted some tea but shut it off remembering she has no water. What a pleasant day.

"Buy some chairs, they aren't very expensive." He said it causally eyeing the report on the small single sized bed. The man didn't understand the depth of his words, sometimes the most mature person can say the worst things possible. I know. She wanted to voice out her thought but let it slid with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for coming, I'm sorry if I disturbed your personal life." She wanted to be polite. Knowing how he isn't a fan of her she genuinely appreciated him for coming over. Not that it was hard, he had his own bike unlike her but sometimes people can be arrogant.

He shakes his head reading through the long three page report. "It's not like I have one." I muttered under his breath, his eyes flickering with bitterness and she caught it.

"Excuse me?" Maybe I heard wrong.

"Oh, you are excused." He snapped shutting the report and dropping the papers on the bed. "What's so difficult in this? Read the reports and analyse—just look for those description in these designs." She frowned being taken back by his harsh voice.

She takes the report with the description in her hand and proofreads it all, "Doesn't say what colour she wants or the material and I don't understand the layout of this." Siya looks up at Rahul to see him standing up and getting his bike keys out already.

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