41- Wise Decision

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Half of this chapter was written on my phone so ignore it or point out the mistakes if there are any.

Started Typing On – 06/08/2019

Chapter 41- Wise Decision

Rohan's Pov:

There's a word I really like. A word that holds a lot of emotions and depth in my dictionary, in my life, and that word is, unconditional.

A selfless love for someone. I reckon—I strongly believe this particular word destroys any other word in this world. The largely spelt word wraps so many buried emotions around it like the vegetable wrapped inside of the wrap. Like a child inside it's mothers embrace.

There's no limit behind this vocabulary. Which is why I call it limitless.

A mother can love her child unconditionally without getting anything in return. A wife can love her husband unconditionally no matter how devastating the life can be at times. A brother loves his sister unconditionally to protect her from the evil world.

All those relationship are pure selfless. At times they endure and hide their pain, their loneliness, their trouble but they all share something the same, love.

It's often seen in loves that broken lovers end up becoming the villain in the movies and shows, declared as a 'drunken idiot,' or 'revengeful.'  Why aren't they portrayed as nice characters? I expected myself from the first day to feel this venom dripping inside my blood to see Yug every day. I thought I'd wish the worst for him but I didn't.

I didn't hate him because Khushi was married to him. I didn't wish him the worst so he'd suffer. I never felt what they showed in the television. For years I thought—I claimed my love for Khushi wasn't real because I never wished anything horrible for them.

I couldn't, could I? I loved her. I still love her, maybe more as a best friend now than a lover. I could never wish her to suffer, not even though she's not my better half. It was my fault for staying silent. It was me who lived inside my happy bubble, presuming everything would work according to my plans. It didn't.

I look at Siya, my eyes sting with shame. I had been such a jerk. Worse? Even a loser to her for no reason. I needed someone to burst at and I did. On Siya. She didn't deserve that. I had everything I needed with me—my Ma to hug me every day—she didn't.

Started Typing Again On – 22/08/2019

I wanted to make it up to her. Of course that's not the main reason but one of them, a backup in-case she turns me down again. I blurred it out before a second thought-process. I reckon that's better otherwise I'd repeat the same mistake again. Somehow something about Siya's honesty became an eye-opener. I don't realize what exactly but something did work.

Ma kept pressuring me into visiting another 'supposedly' perfect bride for me. Before this conversation never affected me rather than a few small arguments with Ma but right now it felt wrong. Too wrong. I wonder if I've given Siya hope? Or my own self.

I do like talking to her. She's not straight-up rude—most of the time—and she's also met my Ma. Ma already likes her. All she's waiting for is a green signal from me but it all stops on Siya.

And my confused feelings.

"Oh." It's an utterly shocked 'Oh,' and I swear it's not something a guy or even a female would want to hear after they asked someone out. Now I'm trying to come up with an excuse.


"If everything was settled with my family, you know, none of this running away situation I won't have to think twice." Again, she was sincere. I liked that. "But I guess one date won't hurt?"

"It's ok—" I rumble on, ready to explain myself to her but my mouth hangs open. Astonished. I bet she could see the visible big fat 'O' of my mouth because she laughs. I flip my head to her and indeed she was laughing, followed by a composed and much less mocking smile.

"Rohan—your face!" Siya points in my direction as if it's strange to see me giving any new expressions apart from a growl or dagger. "Long as you stop being rude. Be nice and I'll go on a date with you." Her index finger hold high in the air in a way to look serious.

I nod. "Why'd I be mean if I like yo—yeah, ok, whatever." Framing my next sentence wisely I mutter, "so, the day after we reach Delhi?" I don't feel so normal right now.

She thinks. Looks out in the distance. And closes her eyes. "Could you please not go out telling others about our date? I don't want to pass on a message" message? Am I ruining her reputation?

"What do you mean, Siya?" I want to understand.

"Let me explain." She sits in front of me in Indian style, rocking forward and backwards constantly. "It's not something worth gossiping for, you know? Like we went officially together-together or something so don't confirm anything. I've already got too much to deal with an—"

"Got it." I don't quite know fairly well if I actually get it or I'm pretending to get it. Siya probably thinks I'm bizarre to ask her out after she told me she ran away from home. You wouldn't expect someone to ask you out out of the blue but Khushi's message helped me. Though she's obviously not aware of it.

There was silence between us and I didn't mind it. It was too much to take in. For me about her confession—running away—which I was still trying to swallow in. And for her about my mini truth—my hiding feelings.

Space was needed and that's something I understood very well.

"You didn't stay over for the tea that day." She speaks after a while, stating facts as if she's still salty about it but didn't sound too aggressive.

"Yeah." I scratch my nape. Mixture of guilt and shame consuming me. The conversation from her house—when I judged she was trying to break Neha and Harsh's marriage—was still raw and fresh enough for me to feel the ping in my chest as I breath out. "Sorry. I just—" there was no justification for my acts so I let my voice trail of for her to catch up with me.

"Let's have a tea date then. You can come to my house. It'll save me time from travelling out anyways. And auto drivers are so dramatic! First they'll say 'no ma'am, I'm not going there' and once I start pleading he'd accept to drop me of but increase the price! What am I? Money making machine?" She buffs angrily.

I wanted to let out a loud happy chuckle but I kept it inside me not to piss her of even more. "No. You're not a machine—"I glance to see her smile at my response. "You're a minion."

At her furrowed eyebrows and screwed up face I laughed. Standing up from my spot I straighten up my clothes, shaking my head at my own self for no particular reason.

"Saving money is wise, Mr Bhatt." She says it with pride swelling inside her and I could see it pretty accurately.

"Right." Just what Ma says. "But becoming a goon isn't so wise."

"I am not a goon!"

"I said you becoming, keyword Ms Joshi." She follows suit, standing up, straightening her clothes as well as pushing her hair back. Before those soft brown eyes could attack me I hurried away muttering a small good night, heading down the ladder.

I could almost hear her yelling behind me "Giraffe toh khud hai and then he call me a minion." I grin making my way inside the apartment. (He's a Giraffe himself and then he calms me a minion.)

Vijay was buzzing on the phone, texting someone, in guessing his wife when I walk into our room. He looks up from his phone, frowns at me before bribing his gaze back at the large screen. Weird.

I thought we bonded over talking about Varun. Didn't we? I silence my own phone before sending a good night text to Ma. Sitting on my side of the bed I look over my shoulder to find Vijay glaring at me. What did I do now?!

"Hi?" He doesn't reply but nods. Ok? "Lovely weather, no?" Again, he nods. What is he? Mute? "Umm, ok. Night." It was so awkward. So awkward to share a room and bed with someone who wasn't even talking to me.

Varun I'm going to murder you! Because of you I'm stuck with this Vijay. And I wonder how he's doing with Shiv and Tara.

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