55- The Key

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Typed On - 14/12/2019
Chapter 55- The Key

"Varun will be there in a few minutes, just stand outside your road and wave at him." Rohan informs her over the phone. He was going through his drawers in urgency to find the medical reports of his Mother for today's appointment.

Siya settles the phone between her right ear and shoulder as her hands worked on her shoelaces, tying them extra tightly for a better grip. "I can manage coming alone. I've done it before too Rohan."

"Yeah, well, it's different now." There was a high proportion of attitude perking in his voice, the type you use when you correct someone and enjoy your victory of being right. She can already imagine a frown marrying his face. "He'll be there. I've given him the address. Just stand outside." He ends the call before she could argue further on.

Sighing from her end Siya stuffs her paper work inside her purse, picks up her house-keys, gives her house one last look before exiting the small homely place. Jamming the key inside the keyhole she gives it a harsh twist. It was only when Siya was turning around to walk away when she noticed Ravi's—her neighbours—house locked. His door had a big metal padlock, the one you use when you're off for more than a week. Her eyebrow lifts, he's gone?

He spoke to her regularly—whenever he could—and seemed frank. But he never mentioned leaving for a trip or something. She remembers seeing him yesterday by the park, with a young girl, perhaps a few years younger than Siya. Maybe he left with her. Shrugging Siya walks in the direction of the main exit from the society where Varun would pick her up.

"You're late, I'm early." She looks to her left to see Varun's bike parked but he stayed seated. Grinning ear to ear. He gives his collar a tug in pride before starting the engine.

"Very funny." Siya scoffs, rolling her eyes before sitting behind him. "I just got held up doing something."

"Something, huh?" He smirks, looking over his shoulders at Siya, his eyes twinkling in mischief. She slaps his shoulders, giggling before they begin driving into their work places direction.

Siya was so happy and in peace of mind to bother or realize how on earth Rohan could give Varun her address. It was fairly noticeable she wasn't so glee to invite friends over. She lived in an unfortunate house to call it 'home' in others dictionary, though, for her it wasn't as horrible as Rohan claimed it to be.

"You owe me food in return for this ride," he isn't dead serious but he is at the same time. No matter how desperate he tried not to sound for his sake but Siya could still sense he's pining for some home-made food. And by the way he flicks his gaze at the mirror to see her expression, Siya is definitely certain of his hungry intentions.

"Deal." They both grin, equally enthusiastic.


The day rolls by blissfully with their usual work. The whispers about Rohan and Siya somehow vanished. Perhaps because they weren't hiding much now unlike before. Now, they speak whenever they can, smile across the office. They isn't any act of ignorance. They were owning their commitments, maybe, that's why the storm of gossip had settled.

Typed Again On – 15/12/2019

It was funny how Rohan was tempted to move forward—ahead in their relationship. They were—are—going in a deliberate pace but he doesn't want to wait longer to put a stamp on their relation. For the first time Rohan agrees with his mother's desire of getting a promotion from just mother to mother-in-law.

However, he's confident Siya won't accept his proposal, she would indeed understand his intentions are right at heart but she won't hesitate in rejecting him. To be fair, he comprehends, they only just started dating. Merely been over a five or six days. But even months of dating would not persuade her from changing her decision.

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