69- 'Who's This City Boy?'

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Chapter 69- 'Who's This City Boy?'

"I—sorry." She stands up from the chair and slowly starts walking forward. He keeps his eyes preyed on her with stone cold expressions. Slightly unreadable too. "Raghav—" she stresses his name as if pleading.

His eye flicks to her shaking unbandage hand and then back at her dull lifeless face. "You think so-sorry ca-can—" his hand waves at her offensively. His eyes narrowed like her sight grosses him out, "—change everything?"

She shakes his head, agreeing that it won't change anything. Her steps balanced with the right amount of speed and steadiness as she approaches him. "No. no—no, I mean, yes. You're right. It won't change a thing." Her trembling hand shakes like she's trying to talk to an abused and frightened little boy. "But it can help you sleep at night knowing how horrible I feel for what I've done."

Her heart cracks open because he wouldn't look at her. Body posture radiating rage. "Was it me?" His voice barely audible. Viren was getting uncomfortable with the encounter so he decided to head out. He shuts the door quietly without inviting much attention his way once he leaves.

Siya flushes red. Her brain aching by taking so much in. It felt so awful realizing you've made someone feel so worthless that they'd start doubting themselves.

Hating yourself, your body, your soul was self harm.

Nobody knew this better than Siya.

She's face turns like she's going to cry. She gnaws her lower lip to contain the cries inside her bandaged mouth. She had nothing to respond with. "Ra—no. No. Please. Don't say this." It's not you. Nor me. It's my heart that desired freedom and independence.

It's no one's fault.

They think differently in terms of leading their lives. Maybe same in some controversial subjects and debates but it doesn't prove they can live in the same household.

There's a big difference if you look closely.

How was she supposed to explain this to the man who's not been exposed to the world? His world was this village and his education was based around the people he's met. It's not his fault. Not at all.

"I think differently." She settles with that. Simple but effective.

He clicks his tongue. Dejected. "I am willing to contribute to your opinions—your lifestyle"

Siya lets go of her stinging lip and licks them wet before speaking but stays shocked. Am. Present tense. She's still willing to claim her as his wife? After everything? Does this mean he's a wonderful man or pathetic to think she'd walk back to a man she once left because they weren't alike.

To be accurate, Rohan and Siya weren't alike too. His lifestyle was different to hers in many ways. But what made them compatible—or at least in their opinion—was their opinions on life. His understanding behaviour towards her decision of running away.

Raghav wouldn't be able to understand her.

But isn't this what I thought of yesterday? That she'd marry him if her parents were ready to forgive her. But why did it pang her heart to imagine him as her husband? "You're not thinking straig—" She smiles in disagreement, shaking her head in utter irritation.

Her father watches the change of tone and body language of Siya's. Something was odd. Suddenly. Her mother just sat down crying at her child's growing problems. Siya's life wasn't looking smooth or relaxing and that terrified her mother.

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