29- Angry Birds

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Started Typing On – 08/07/2019

Chapter 29- Angry Birds

Author's Pov:

It was the next day around nine a.m. they all reached Pune with tired faces. Flying to the city would have been a better and much faster option but the company couldn't afford ten employees tickets with accommodation for the next six days. Five days left now.

Rohan was sleeping with his head on his side of the window just like Siya with her own head resting on the other window. Payal slept with her head on Varun's. Unlike her, he was wide awake with his eyes boring into the phone screen.

Maya hasn't replied. He turns his head around watching his friend sleepy face. Rohan had wrapped his arm across his chest, finding that position comfortable. Pressing on Maya's name, he reads through their previous chat again. More like Ridhi and Maya's chat. He types a small and casual 'Hi' and hits send, hoping she'll reply back soon.

"Can I get some personal space?" Varun mutters at the sleeping Payal who kept wiggling her head for comfort.

"Can you shut up?" Siya whisper yells at Varun and hits him in the head with her eyes closed. She was still asleep but not fully to not hear his annoyed voice. He flips his head and starts to rub it to ease the pain given by Joshi sitting behind him.

It was twenty minutes later when the driver had stopped driving and called out to everyone to wake up with his own tired and grumpy voice. One by one everyone woke up and stretched their arms yawning.

It was Siya who woke up before compared to Rohan. She let out a big yawn and stretched her arms out wide, her brown orbs shield by her eyelids, her arm hits Rohan on his chest and he startles. "Ouch." Rohan lets out a drowsy yawn and murmurs underneath his breath. He rubs his hand over his eyes and watches Siya wrapping her stool around herself as if it was winter in India. "It's not cold."

"Varun," she calls. "—I'm always cold." The sharpness of her measured voice was indirectly answering Rohan's question. Varun gives her a puzzled look, unable to hide his confusion through his expressions. She picks up her purse from the floor and walks out the van with Mary and Payal leaving the two guys still seated on his seat.

"When did I ask her if she's cold or not?" Varun mutters to his friend.

"You didn't." Rohan agrees, standing up. "I did. She's ignoring me." He walks ahead with a grumpy face getting out of the van. The wind hits his face like water, blowing his hair a little with Varun behind him.

"Are you triggered with her behaviour?" He smirks, wishing his friend admits.

"No. Never been." Deep inside he could feel the answer to his friends question was 'yes, I am.' Admitting was never Rohan's cup of tea. Perhaps that's why Khushi was Mrs Verma and not Mrs Bhatt.

They all had breakfast for twenty-five minutes before Shiv took out the documents with all the instructions/plans for the days at their stay in Pune. "Mary, Siya, Neetu, Vijay and Shiv are in one group." Shiv reads. "We're in the designing department for three days then later on we'll swap with the other group into the report creating." He stated with serious tone.

"That leaves Payal, Varun, Tara, Arushi and I in one team." Rohan states as if nobody had already guessed that. He glances around the faces and winces seeing Siya standing next to Shiv, looking at the paper document he was holding in his hand.

"Why does he always have to act like the boss?" Mary whispers to Siya. She looks away from the paper to Rohan. His eyes were on her. Intensely watching carefree as if nobody was around them. He stood there straight and tall with a leader attitude. It was thirty seconds later Siya had come to know he won't look away so she did.

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