77 - New Friends

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Started Typing On – 13/04/2020

Chapter 77 – New Friends

Does she trust him? Yes. Does she trust him enough? Yes. But the question was, does she trust herself? No.

Siya's wedding bangles cling into his back, pushing the fabric of his shirt into his skin. "I trust you." No hesitation. "But not myself." She later on adds poorly.

Rohan breaks the hug to see her face—to read her—because now days she wasn't so much of a talker or explainer, therefore he became attentive towards her. He wasn't going to ask her why she doesn't trust herself. That's the most basic and baseless question. If she knew the answer they wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place.

"But I trust you." A small humble smile stretches across his face.

Siya doesn't return the soothing smile. "But is that enough?" His wife's hand not around his waist but his forearm, pleading him to answer truthfully.

"It's more than enough." For now. "I found a place. It's quiet and good for walks." He proudly discloses the new generated piece of information.

"Really?" Her eyebrows wiggles, the fear slightly oozing away. It was safe to say his 'more than enough' answer was inspiring and a little breath-taking to hear which is why she choose to ignore answering that particular part of the conversation.

Siya looks over her shoulder and sees it's dark but he'll be with her. "Should we walk there now?"

Rohan looks a little persistent to decline the offer but witnessing the longing in her eyes to head out of this room and inhale the fresh air he gives in. "Okay. Grab a jacket." Siya didn't bother changing out of her white plain top and black leggings instead she threw on a navy blue coat coming until her knees.

Rohan slipped into a hoodie himself since it's cold and he cursed himself before for heading out the room without a jersey. He wouldn't make the same mistake again. The black hoodie with a Nike tick in the middle came baggy on him—but the good kind of baggy—the one which doesn't outline your body frame firmly but does at the same time. Like a tease of someone's body type.

He glances at Siya, tucking his hands inside the hoodie pocket and shakes his head at her who was busy buttoning her coat up. "You'll catch cold," Siya looks at him, and then down at her coat, and then back at him. "Grab a beanie." The suggestion wasn't bad so Siya—without nodding or uttering a word—opens her luggage and starts looking for one.

A green faux beanie came into view with a fur pom on top and Siya knew this was what she'll wear tonight for their peaceful walk. She throws it on quickly—impatient to head out—over her open hair, messing them up.

She speed walks to Rohan, stands in front of him with desperate expressions, "Let's go." She smiles tight lipped. Rohan looks at her hair sticking to her cheeks because of her energetic movement and starts adjusting it taking Siya off track. He pushes her hair back—the beanie still on her head—but seeing it made no difference he took it off in irritation only to cause her hair looking like a birds nest.

His mouth parts slightly, apologetically at first, then kind of in 'oh, wow, never knew this could happen' and then a smug—self-satisfied—marries his lips causing Siya to frown. His laughter only makes it worse. "Oh my god. Look at your ha—"

In the middle of her head the poor and confused ladies hair were like a ball of tangles nest. "What did you do, Rohan?" She questions with a hard and stern face but her hair only made her come across as a clown and ineffective.

"I—let me—" he moves forward, fingertips reaching to fix her hair but her one angry and murderous look—which she was mortifyingly bad at to sustain—made him move back, falling into the dressing table with raspy laugher. "You lo—look like a—oh my god." He begins to speak but it ends with him tripping over his own saliva and clutches his stomach.

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