36- 'Until They Get Engaged'

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Me when I get new idea's for the next chapter to keep the story going, lol.

Started Typing On – 19/07/2019

Chapter 36- 'Until They Get Engaged'

Author's Pov:


"And then he said he likes me as a friend." Siya explains everything Rohan had said to her at the terrace, of course not including the house visit part otherwise her new friends might also want to visit her around some time.

She feels extremely mortified at this point. She hung her head down, her shoulder stiffening before they fall in suit, her face red. "I don't understand why he'd say that but more over why are you so bothered?"

"I'm not meant to be?" Siya speaks up in an astonished voice.

"Well," Mary's face scrunches up to the question. She wasn't prepared with an answer but starts of shortly. "—yeah, you should be offended but you seem traumatized. It doesn't look like your women ego but another part of you is hurt." She comes out straightforward.

"Do you like Rohan?" Payal asks out of blue. She sat in front of Siya—beside Mary—with her hands busy tying her hair in a messy bun.

Her cheeks go tint of red. The darkest shade they've seen blooming in Siya's face. Her eyes flutter open looking at her friends with wide eyes. As a confirmation they stare back at her intensely, her eyes drift to her lap with her fidgety fingers. "He's not mean." She whispers, too afraid to hear Mary gasping in disagreement.

"Good. Marry him so Varun is secure—or not." Her excited voice dies down getting elbowed by Mary on her ribs. Payal hisses in pain, rubbing her ribs. "Sorry! But I'm pretty open about my liking for Varun." She confesses as if talking about what she ate for dinner last night.

Mary ignores her for the second time, her eyes back on Siya. A heavily thick and loud sigh leaves her mouth. "Look Siya," she pauses to come up with better vocabulary. Her hands start to do her work in order to explain herself. "—Rohan isn't my favourite person and you know this. But I also know is I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Perhaps he's nice to you—as you said—but all I'd say is don't be too open."

Payal snorts at this and starts to let out sarcastic smile eyeing Siya up and down. "Get your eyes checked Mary. She's pretty closed to me." Siya mentally groans.

Mary gives on pissed look at Payal before bringing her eyes back on the quietly listening Siya. "I meant don't show your emotions much. He'll think you're some crazy, obnoxiously desperate girl—" She leans towards Siya to whisper one last thing to complete her sentence, "—just like Miss Payal over here."

Oh cue Siya starts to laugh at Mary's comment and her smirk. Payal gives them both puzzled look and nags Siya to tell her the gossip. It was true. Sometimes displaying your emotions or expressing yourself did look a little desperate. Even if you had other intentions.


"So?" Vijay starts of after placing his phone on the table. He jumps into the bed which Varun used to share with Rohan.

"So?" Rohan raises an eyebrow.

"Fight with Varun?"

"Oh." He mutters. How do I explain we're only pretending? "Yeah." Instead of explaining Rohan tries to sum up the question with one single word.

"Was it because he ate your eggs?"

Started Typing Again On- 20/07/2019

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