43- Roof On Top

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Started Typing On – 03/09/2019

Chapter 43- Roof On Top

Siya's Pov:

There was a shuttle change between me and the world. Something had shifted from it's ordinary spot and I can't quite catch it until it's been a few days. Just like now. I look across our seats, everyone had settled themselves with their friends. Payal sat with Varun, again, just in front of me as I shifted in my back seat once Rohan emerges into the van. I hate to admit it but I wish Yug spent a little more money so our journey wouldn't be so long and awkward. For me.

I was asking for too much, I don't even regret it.

I opened up my purse—sitting on the corner just by my leg—and start to take out a novel to keep myself busy and pass on a silent message to Rohan to not talk to me. Not because I was angry or anything but because the van was suddenly so hushed—blanketed in silence making me wonder if the silence was planned to hear us—Rohan and me—talk. I didn't want that.

From the corner of my eye I see an amused expression swimming beneath those brown orbs. I skim my fingers over the cover of the book for no reason. Maybe just knowing the book was based on an Indian god made me want to gain some of his power to not be affected by the awkwardness and tension growing inside me for these one or two days.

"The Immortals of Meluha." Rohan doesn't even realise he's read the title out loud, almost blown away from my pick. I stretch my eyes in his direction—to my right—and give him a very typical 'what' look. He leans back on his seat, comfortably looking back at me. "Do you think Lord Shiv has abs?"

"Someone said my name?" Shiv mutters, whipping his head back, skimming his eyes at everyone with his own eyebrows arched. I knew it! Everyone's listening to us. Or perhaps I'm too stressed out which makes me overthink.

"You're Lord Shiv?" Rohan's voice suddenly raises, more heads looking at our direction. What annoys me is the number of eyes gazing at not only on Rohan but me as well, why?

"He's talking about some book," Varun jumps in, of course. Varun turns around from his seat, eyeing me before scooting up in his seat, on his knees and dips his head down to get a view at my book cover. "The Immortals of Meluha." He repeats just like Rohan. He looks back at me, "that book is old Joshi."

"I know." I terse unhappy with the point out. Now even the book I read matters? I slam the book shut, bugged from all the talking and attention. It rested on my lap, my earphones plugged into my phone and I drift away into the world of lyrics.

It was peaceful. My eyes were closed but I could sense most of us were sleeping because it's still early in the morning and the ride back home was too long. I'd heard over four songs when I feel a sudden shift in my lap, like something was getting pulled slowly. I open my eyes only to find Rohan trying to take the book.

"You're not reading it." He states, his face flushed. I raise my eyebrows, demanding an explanation. "It looks interesting." He doesn't let go of the book he held from the edge.

"It's over three hundred pages," sure, the drive was long but Rohan doesn't give me the necessary vibe of a book worm. Not reading this quickly at least. He looked offended but carried on taking it of my lap and into his grasp.

"I'll finish reading it before we reach."

And that was out last conversation until we reached home late at night. John—Mary's boyfriend—had come to pick up Mary and Payal. Before leaving Mary looked hesitantly at the two spare seats in the car and then back at me. She stopped walking and made direct eye contact, her face looking dull and a bit ashamed as she opens her mouth, to offer me ride? I don't know because she closes it shortly after someone's shadow comes into her and my view. I look back to see Rohan stuffing his luggage into a taxi.

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